Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November's Challenge

It's time to do something about this weight gain. I'm slowly running out of options for clothes and feel like I'm wearing the same thing week after week. I'm a total clothes horse so of course this doesn't sit well with me.

So, Glenn and I are starting our own 30-day challenge for the month of November. We each have 30 days to lose as much weight as we can. The person with the highest percentage of weight loss on November 30 is declared the winner. The coveted prize...loser has to do the dishes for a month.

Now, if you know me at all, you'd know that dishes are the one chore that I absolutely hate doing. And we have a dishwasher. I'd much rather do 10 loads of laundry than load and unload the stupid dishwasher. So you know I'm going to take this challenge on hardcore. Ideally I'd like to lose 5% of my body weight but honestly, anything will do for me.

Stay tuned on Thursday for photos, details, and lots of snarky comments as Glenn and I take each other on for the ultimate prize!

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