Sunday, October 14, 2012

Small Child For Sale

I have said it before and I will say it again. God bless you to all of you single parents or those of you with multiple children. Glenn is at drill until tomorrow so I've had 48 hours with my dear, sweet little boy.

I am physically exhausted. In addition to trying to catch up on laundry, baking, and monitoring email (tomorrow is our big abstract deadline!), I've had to deal with a crazy, whiny, 2 1/2 year old. Thankfully Team Umizoomi just came on so I have an hour of sanity.

I love Rowan dearly. After all, he's my miracle baby. Sort of. Glenn and I got pregnant right after he came home from his second deployment. I miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks. After that, we struggled to get pregnant. I wasn't ovulating so we both went through several tests and I ended up on Clomid. Luckily I only had to go through one dose. We ended up pregnant with Rowan 10 months after my miscarriage. I'd like to think we'd have gotten pregnant on our own eventually but you never know.

I know his age plays into everything these days, which would explain why I want to pick him up and shake him on a daily basis. No need to call the cops...I haven't actually gone through with it. Believe me, he'd tell you if I had.

I've tried my hardest to keep him busy this weekend. Friday night we went and got groceries and watched a movie. Yesterday we went to target, made brownies, watched a new movie, and played with toys. Clearly I kept him busy enough because he slept in until 9 this morning. Today we went to Michael's, made a batch of Halloween suckers, painted/colored, made cupcakes, and watched more Team Umizoomi than I can handle. I'm hoping he'll pass out soon so I can have a little bit of Mommy time.

Thankfully Daddy will be back tomorrow and can relieve me of my single parenting duties. Otherwise, you may see me wandering the street with a wagon full of clothes, books, and a peanut butter sandwich as I attempt to run away. Night night y'all.

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