Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And the Winner Is...

Thank you so much to my dear friend Amy for helping me rename my blog. Now that I've finished my 10 mile training, I wanted to give the blog a name that was a little more meaningful. I offered points if it was witty and had naughty undertones.

Here are a few that she came up with..

  • This Kitten is Smitten
  • Sex Kitten in Training (a personal fave)
  • Diary of a Sarcastic Vixen

Honestly, I loved them all but as you can see, I went with the one that just kept sticking with me...Some Days, I Run in Stilettos. They are so much better than anything I could come up with. The words "Big Ginger" kept sticking in my head and that just didn't seem right. So Amy, 25 points to you. You can cash those in for drinks on me!

And if any of you blog and are interested in doing a guest post (hint hint, Kyle and/or Amy), let me know. I welcome all forms of sarcasm and wit!

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