Monday, October 22, 2012

Fake Mustaches and Moose Hats

Well, another whirlwind weekend has come and gone. We spent the majority of it in Iowa with my family and had a great time.

Friday night we picked up my grandma on the way to my parent's house. On the way, Rowan complained about his teeth hurting (poor baby has two molars popping through) so we stopped at the grocery store in town for tylenol and beer. One pain reliever for for mommy. And yes, in Iowa, you can buy beer and liquor at a store other than the liquor store. Iowa =1, Minnesota = 0.

So we get to my parent's house and we're standing around chatting. As I am standing there with a beer in my hand, my grandma is like, "are you pregnant?" To which I replied, "no grandma, just fat". God bless her. I know she meant well but clearly I need to get started on this whole weight loss thing. A fact my dear husband reminded me of on Saturday morning. It's ok...he's an assface.

Saturday we made the 2-hour trek to Ames to see my little brother. We were a kind family and greeted my brother at his dorm room by wearing fake mustaches. Even grandma wore one. Too bad we took them off before we could get a picture.

My other brother (Darrell...ha ha!) and his wife and son also came over. We lunched at Hickory Park, the best restaurant ever. Not only is it cheap, but they give you a placemat that has all of the ice cream choices on it. A placemat. Oh, the possibilities. I had bubble gum.
After lunch we took a family trip to Wal-mart so the little brother could get a new printer. Did we actually look at printers? Well, my mom did. This is what my brothers did.

This is completely normal for us. We concluded our shopping trip by trying on various winter hats.

I was not quick enough to get photos of them in Spongebob or Winnie the Pooh hats but this was good enough. This was taken right before I got told that customers are not allowed to take photos in Wal-mart. Probably because they're afraid they'll go up on the famed I don't blame them but come on. I know Jared can be trashy (smile Jerry!) but a picture of him in a moose hat does not come CLOSE to what you can see on that site. Now, if he were in a wifebeater and cut-off jeans that showed off his junk wearing a moose hat, then they could be concerned.

All in all we had a fun day. Saturday night concluded with more beer drinking and watching Dark Shadows. The movie was ok. The beer was better. I'm pretty sure my grandma and my parents think I'm an alcoholic. As my husband pointed out, I don't drink first thing in the morning and I don't drink hard liquor so I'm not a true alcoholic. See people...that's why I married him.

In running news, I've got a 5k coming up on Saturday. Ang, Eric, and I are running the Monster Dash around Lake Harriet. Eric is 6 and planning on running his 1st 5k. He's going to kick my ass. I just know it. Oh, and the best part of it will be the fact that it's going to be 24 degrees that morning. Booty shake for luck!

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