Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Book Bandwagon

If you know me at all, you'd know that I tend to jump on various bandwagons, usually a month or two behind. Or in some cases, WAY behind. Like skinny jeans, self-serve frozen yogurt, and various book trilogies.

I am a big fan of books. They are a huge part of my life and always have and always will be. I hope my love for them is the one thing that I can pass on to my kids. So far so good with Rowan. Anyway, because I love books, I'll read almost anything. I'm not a fan of non-fiction and my favorites are anything saucy, spicy, and/or full of suspense. Hence the reason I have jumped on the triology bandwagon over the past few years.

Let's start with...Twilight. You're probably all groaning and thinking "what in the hell?" or "seriously?". I have my friend Elise to thank for introducting me to this series. I started reading them a few months before the first movie came out and finished all 4 within a matter of a month.

You cannot judge a book by its movie, people. The Twilight movies, especially the first one, do not show the true story behind Twilight. The books have so much more detail and are written so much better. A friend of mine swore she wouldn't read them but she begrudgingly jumped on the bandwagon and has been hooked ever since. I swear you won't be disappointed. Now the real question is...Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Next up...The Hunger Games. If you have not jumped on this bandwagon, do it. Do it now. These books are just so...good! They suck you in and you can't help but want to pick up the next one the minute you finish the first one. While violent, these books have a slight romantic twist that keeps you engaged and wondering, who will Katniss choose? Plus the movie is just plain awesome.

Ok...The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I liked this series A LOT but it's hard to get past the first 100 pages of the first book. If you can do it, you won't regret it. Each book ends on a cliffhanger (you can seriously feel it in the air). The thing that made me bitter is that I know there is a fourth book out there. Stieg Larsson's girlfriend (they never married even though they were together for over 20 years) is withholding the manuscript from his family. They're greedy bastards and only want it for the money. Now if she could just give me a copy, it would make everything all better.

The movie is also very good but very very dark. It also strays from the book slightly in that they change the characters a little bit but it's definitely worth seeing.

And last but never the absolute favorite...50 Shades of Grey. This is the one bandwagon I jumped on long before it became the juicy craze it is now. I read this triology in 4 days about a month before anyone had really heard of it. It wasn't even available in a bookstore at the time. It was recommended to me by a friend, who heard about it on Lori and Julia, who claimed it was going to be the next hottest thing. Boy, were they right!

Now, you may have heard that these books are soft core porn. You would be right. And that's partly what makes them so awesome. But really, you have to look beyond the spanking and the handcuffs because there is a real love story that is portrayed. I love everything about these books. I love them so much I actually read them twice. One thing to note...if you're faint of heart, I would steer clear. These are probably too hardcore for you.

The best part is that they're making it into a movie! I have no idea how they're going to keep it under an NC-17 rating but good luck to them. I myself will be camped out at the theater the minute it comes out, especially since this hunky gentlemen will be playing the one and only Christian Grey. Yummy!

Go them. I know you want to.

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