Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ding Ding Ding! Game on.

Damn, this post is like 4 days late. Anyway...let's get ready to rumble!! The November challenge has begun. The person who loses the least amount of weight (percentage-wise) as of November 30 has to do the dishes for the entire month of December.

In this corner, weighing in at 268's Glenn "Action" Jackson!

Likes: Homemade beer and boobs
Dislikes: Anything not related to homemade beer or boobs
Favorite exercise: Running

And in this corner, weighing in at *gulp* 197 pounds (no judging)'s Erin "Rockstar" Jackson!

Likes: Wine, beer, and anything that can be found on Pinterest
Dislikes: Sushi and fat rolls
Favorite exercise: Running or kickboxing

We started the challenge last Thursday and we're doing well so far. I'm already down 4 pounds and Glenn is down 7. Yes, it's mostly water weight but it's a start. If you check the numbers, I'm at 2.0% and Glenn is at 2.6%. The horror! I cannot lose! I despise loading the dishwasher!

Stay tuned for our weekly weigh in on Thursday. Cross your fingers that I kick Glenn's ass!

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