Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Every Day is Not Sunshine and Roses

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to eat a dozen wings, drink several bottles of beer, and fling yourself off the roof? Oh, you haven't? Well, good for you, liar liar, pants on fire.

I have had not one, but TWO of those days. In a row. I am at my wit's end. I look like a freakin' zombie because I'm so exhausted from dealing with server issues and stupid people. The server I can deal with. The stupid people (or person to be specific), I cannot.

Of course the offsite server for our abstract vendor would go down the day that reviewer assignments needed to be completed. Oh, and it would take at least 24 hours to fix it they told me. Sure...why not. It's not like it's an important time right now. Go ahead. Take your 24 hours and don't give me a reason as to why they went down. Better yet, take 36. I love emailing our reviewers at 3:00 p.m. TODAY to say they can finally access the site.

And of course my arch nemesis at work would have to fuck up (AGAIN) and I have to be the bad guy and once again tell her that she did something wrong. I am not being malicious or out to get her. This is just a daily occurence for me. FML.

Oh, and why not start yesterday morning off by leaving my laptop at home and remembering where it was when I was already halfway to work. I mean, who doesn't like to add an extra hour to their already long morning commute.

THIS is why I drink people!! Ok, not really. It's just a bad couple of days. They happen to everyone and I just need to roll with the punches. But seriously...if something good could happen to me this week, I would greatly appreciate it!

Oh, and I can prove I'm not the only one who has crappy days. My good friend Amy needed a mulligan yesterday. You can read about it here. My day was bad but this poor girl had it way worse than me. My story didn't involve the police...twice.

And since I already mentioned it, I'll plug her blog. *Long Pause* Man that sounded way dirtier than I meant it to be. Lol! Seriously...read her blog. You'll love it.

And on that note, I'm outta here. Mama needs some rest.

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