It's time to do something about this weight gain. I'm slowly running out of options for clothes and feel like I'm wearing the same thing week after week. I'm a total clothes horse so of course this doesn't sit well with me.
So, Glenn and I are starting our own 30-day challenge for the month of November. We each have 30 days to lose as much weight as we can. The person with the highest percentage of weight loss on November 30 is declared the winner. The coveted prize...loser has to do the dishes for a month.
Now, if you know me at all, you'd know that dishes are the one chore that I absolutely hate doing. And we have a dishwasher. I'd much rather do 10 loads of laundry than load and unload the stupid dishwasher. So you know I'm going to take this challenge on hardcore. Ideally I'd like to lose 5% of my body weight but honestly, anything will do for me.
Stay tuned on Thursday for photos, details, and lots of snarky comments as Glenn and I take each other on for the ultimate prize!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Next Chapter
If you've seen my Facebook post, then you'd know that Glenn and I are about to embark on the next chapter in our lives. We're building a house in Lakeville. We didn't set out to do this right now. The opportunity presented itself and after a lot of thinking and running the numbers, we decided to go for it.
It started about a month ago. We were looking at houses on the parade of homes, just trying to get some ideas. We were planning on starting to look at houses in the spring. Anyway, this was the second house we looked at and I really liked the layout of it. But since we weren't in the market, we just browsed, went to look at one more, and went home.
There was something about that house that just stuck with us. So we went back the next weekend to look at it again. This time we talked to the realtor and eventually agreed to sit down and talk things through. Lots of discussion and number crunching later, we sat down and signed the purchase agreement for it. I, of course, was freaking out. This was a huge decision but one that I knew in my heart would be right.
After that, we sat down with the builder to go over the floor plans and make any adjustments. We got super crazy...we moved the fireplace from one wall to another. That's it. Last night was the final piece in pulling everything together. We signed the papers for the pre-approval and we're on our way!
The house is 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths and is considered a multi-level. It's technically a split but there's a third level that goes up to a master suite. Glenn and I will pretty much have a floor to ourselves. Well, it's over the garage but you get the picture. The lot we chose is by far one of the best lots in the development. There is one street that loops through Stoneborough (our development) but they just added a through street in the middle. We got lucky and were able to secure the lot that is on a curve. It's huge!
We're told it will take 90 to 120 days to build. We're going to go from this:
It started about a month ago. We were looking at houses on the parade of homes, just trying to get some ideas. We were planning on starting to look at houses in the spring. Anyway, this was the second house we looked at and I really liked the layout of it. But since we weren't in the market, we just browsed, went to look at one more, and went home.
There was something about that house that just stuck with us. So we went back the next weekend to look at it again. This time we talked to the realtor and eventually agreed to sit down and talk things through. Lots of discussion and number crunching later, we sat down and signed the purchase agreement for it. I, of course, was freaking out. This was a huge decision but one that I knew in my heart would be right.
After that, we sat down with the builder to go over the floor plans and make any adjustments. We got super crazy...we moved the fireplace from one wall to another. That's it. Last night was the final piece in pulling everything together. We signed the papers for the pre-approval and we're on our way!
The house is 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths and is considered a multi-level. It's technically a split but there's a third level that goes up to a master suite. Glenn and I will pretty much have a floor to ourselves. Well, it's over the garage but you get the picture. The lot we chose is by far one of the best lots in the development. There is one street that loops through Stoneborough (our development) but they just added a through street in the middle. We got lucky and were able to secure the lot that is on a curve. It's huge!
We're told it will take 90 to 120 days to build. We're going to go from this:
To this:
That's not a true depiction since we haven't picked colors yet but you get the idea.
We are beyond excited to make this change. It'll mean leaving behind our first house, the one we put so much work into. The only home Rowan has ever known. We're also going to leave behind a great daycare, some great neighbors, and a great town. But it's the right decision for us.
It'll also mean less miles on the car and the SUV. Glenn will be a mile from his work so it'll mean less money in gas. It's in a great school district. We'll be closer to a lot of our friends. But the best part is giving Rowan the backyard he keeps talking about. He desperately wants a swingset and now we can give him that.
We're doing what's best for us and for our son. We're being grown-ups. And that's a scary thought.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Blog Post That Brought Everyone Down
I've been known to have some crazy dreams. Lately, they've been coming at me every night. Typically they're just weird but last night's was a doozy. As Glenn says, lay off the booze.
I can't remember everything about this dream but what I do remember freaked me out. Glenn was in a car accident but upon looking at him, he was fine. Somehow he ended up at the vet's office, not as a patient, but as an observer. When I told this to Glenn, he got fake mad that I didn't take him to the hospital.
Anyway, I can still see him standing in a "patient" room, watching the vet look over a dog and all of a sudden he went down. Then I was told he died. The rest of my dream was about this vet needed to get a scale to weigh his dog and check his vitals but he didn't want to get it from his office. The thing that is still sticking with me from that dream is how sad I was. I mean, at one point, I actually woke up and reached over to make sure that Glenn was still there.
You're probably wondering what the point of this is. This is my every couple of years freak out over dying. I'm not afraid of dying itself but I'm more scared about what happens afterwards. Not about going to heaven (the big man upstairs and I already have an agreement) but about what happens to me spiritually. Will I still go on "living" and be able to see everything going on down here? Will everything just go dark and that's it? I hate the thought that the lights will go out and I never get to see my family again. It also makes me sad to think of Glenn dying first. I know that life goes on and eventually you figure out how to get past a death but what if you really never get to see your loved ones again?
This is why I try and not take life for granted. I know all too well what it's like to lose someone close to you, as I'm sure everyone has. So live life to the fullest and appreciate everything you've been given because at some point, it'll be gone.
Well, now that I've brought everyone down and/or freaked you out about dying...god, I am such a pleasant person aren't I? I don't blame you if you never want to read my blog again. I'm normally not this depressing. I blame the weather. Now picture this...puppies frolicking through the grass, a kitten snuggling up on your lap, rainbows, cheered up yet? If you come to our Halloween party on Saturday night, I'll give you a jello shot. Jello always make people feel better. The booze will help, too.
Hugs and kisses people!
I can't remember everything about this dream but what I do remember freaked me out. Glenn was in a car accident but upon looking at him, he was fine. Somehow he ended up at the vet's office, not as a patient, but as an observer. When I told this to Glenn, he got fake mad that I didn't take him to the hospital.
Anyway, I can still see him standing in a "patient" room, watching the vet look over a dog and all of a sudden he went down. Then I was told he died. The rest of my dream was about this vet needed to get a scale to weigh his dog and check his vitals but he didn't want to get it from his office. The thing that is still sticking with me from that dream is how sad I was. I mean, at one point, I actually woke up and reached over to make sure that Glenn was still there.
You're probably wondering what the point of this is. This is my every couple of years freak out over dying. I'm not afraid of dying itself but I'm more scared about what happens afterwards. Not about going to heaven (the big man upstairs and I already have an agreement) but about what happens to me spiritually. Will I still go on "living" and be able to see everything going on down here? Will everything just go dark and that's it? I hate the thought that the lights will go out and I never get to see my family again. It also makes me sad to think of Glenn dying first. I know that life goes on and eventually you figure out how to get past a death but what if you really never get to see your loved ones again?
This is why I try and not take life for granted. I know all too well what it's like to lose someone close to you, as I'm sure everyone has. So live life to the fullest and appreciate everything you've been given because at some point, it'll be gone.
Well, now that I've brought everyone down and/or freaked you out about dying...god, I am such a pleasant person aren't I? I don't blame you if you never want to read my blog again. I'm normally not this depressing. I blame the weather. Now picture this...puppies frolicking through the grass, a kitten snuggling up on your lap, rainbows, cheered up yet? If you come to our Halloween party on Saturday night, I'll give you a jello shot. Jello always make people feel better. The booze will help, too.
Hugs and kisses people!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Every Day is Not Sunshine and Roses
Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to eat a dozen wings, drink several bottles of beer, and fling yourself off the roof? Oh, you haven't? Well, good for you, liar liar, pants on fire.
I have had not one, but TWO of those days. In a row. I am at my wit's end. I look like a freakin' zombie because I'm so exhausted from dealing with server issues and stupid people. The server I can deal with. The stupid people (or person to be specific), I cannot.
Of course the offsite server for our abstract vendor would go down the day that reviewer assignments needed to be completed. Oh, and it would take at least 24 hours to fix it they told me. Sure...why not. It's not like it's an important time right now. Go ahead. Take your 24 hours and don't give me a reason as to why they went down. Better yet, take 36. I love emailing our reviewers at 3:00 p.m. TODAY to say they can finally access the site.
And of course my arch nemesis at work would have to fuck up (AGAIN) and I have to be the bad guy and once again tell her that she did something wrong. I am not being malicious or out to get her. This is just a daily occurence for me. FML.
Oh, and why not start yesterday morning off by leaving my laptop at home and remembering where it was when I was already halfway to work. I mean, who doesn't like to add an extra hour to their already long morning commute.
THIS is why I drink people!! Ok, not really. It's just a bad couple of days. They happen to everyone and I just need to roll with the punches. But seriously...if something good could happen to me this week, I would greatly appreciate it!
Oh, and I can prove I'm not the only one who has crappy days. My good friend Amy needed a mulligan yesterday. You can read about it here. My day was bad but this poor girl had it way worse than me. My story didn't involve the police...twice.
And since I already mentioned it, I'll plug her blog. *Long Pause* Man that sounded way dirtier than I meant it to be. Lol! her blog. You'll love it.
And on that note, I'm outta here. Mama needs some rest.
I have had not one, but TWO of those days. In a row. I am at my wit's end. I look like a freakin' zombie because I'm so exhausted from dealing with server issues and stupid people. The server I can deal with. The stupid people (or person to be specific), I cannot.
Of course the offsite server for our abstract vendor would go down the day that reviewer assignments needed to be completed. Oh, and it would take at least 24 hours to fix it they told me. Sure...why not. It's not like it's an important time right now. Go ahead. Take your 24 hours and don't give me a reason as to why they went down. Better yet, take 36. I love emailing our reviewers at 3:00 p.m. TODAY to say they can finally access the site.
And of course my arch nemesis at work would have to fuck up (AGAIN) and I have to be the bad guy and once again tell her that she did something wrong. I am not being malicious or out to get her. This is just a daily occurence for me. FML.
Oh, and why not start yesterday morning off by leaving my laptop at home and remembering where it was when I was already halfway to work. I mean, who doesn't like to add an extra hour to their already long morning commute.
THIS is why I drink people!! Ok, not really. It's just a bad couple of days. They happen to everyone and I just need to roll with the punches. But seriously...if something good could happen to me this week, I would greatly appreciate it!
Oh, and I can prove I'm not the only one who has crappy days. My good friend Amy needed a mulligan yesterday. You can read about it here. My day was bad but this poor girl had it way worse than me. My story didn't involve the police...twice.
And since I already mentioned it, I'll plug her blog. *Long Pause* Man that sounded way dirtier than I meant it to be. Lol! her blog. You'll love it.
And on that note, I'm outta here. Mama needs some rest.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fake Mustaches and Moose Hats
Well, another whirlwind weekend has come and gone. We spent the majority of it in Iowa with my family and had a great time.
Friday night we picked up my grandma on the way to my parent's house. On the way, Rowan complained about his teeth hurting (poor baby has two molars popping through) so we stopped at the grocery store in town for tylenol and beer. One pain reliever for for mommy. And yes, in Iowa, you can buy beer and liquor at a store other than the liquor store. Iowa =1, Minnesota = 0.
So we get to my parent's house and we're standing around chatting. As I am standing there with a beer in my hand, my grandma is like, "are you pregnant?" To which I replied, "no grandma, just fat". God bless her. I know she meant well but clearly I need to get started on this whole weight loss thing. A fact my dear husband reminded me of on Saturday morning. It's ok...he's an assface.
Saturday we made the 2-hour trek to Ames to see my little brother. We were a kind family and greeted my brother at his dorm room by wearing fake mustaches. Even grandma wore one. Too bad we took them off before we could get a picture.
This is completely normal for us. We concluded our shopping trip by trying on various winter hats.
I was not quick enough to get photos of them in Spongebob or Winnie the Pooh hats but this was good enough. This was taken right before I got told that customers are not allowed to take photos in Wal-mart. Probably because they're afraid they'll go up on the famed I don't blame them but come on. I know Jared can be trashy (smile Jerry!) but a picture of him in a moose hat does not come CLOSE to what you can see on that site. Now, if he were in a wifebeater and cut-off jeans that showed off his junk wearing a moose hat, then they could be concerned.
All in all we had a fun day. Saturday night concluded with more beer drinking and watching Dark Shadows. The movie was ok. The beer was better. I'm pretty sure my grandma and my parents think I'm an alcoholic. As my husband pointed out, I don't drink first thing in the morning and I don't drink hard liquor so I'm not a true alcoholic. See people...that's why I married him.
In running news, I've got a 5k coming up on Saturday. Ang, Eric, and I are running the Monster Dash around Lake Harriet. Eric is 6 and planning on running his 1st 5k. He's going to kick my ass. I just know it. Oh, and the best part of it will be the fact that it's going to be 24 degrees that morning. Booty shake for luck!
Friday night we picked up my grandma on the way to my parent's house. On the way, Rowan complained about his teeth hurting (poor baby has two molars popping through) so we stopped at the grocery store in town for tylenol and beer. One pain reliever for for mommy. And yes, in Iowa, you can buy beer and liquor at a store other than the liquor store. Iowa =1, Minnesota = 0.
So we get to my parent's house and we're standing around chatting. As I am standing there with a beer in my hand, my grandma is like, "are you pregnant?" To which I replied, "no grandma, just fat". God bless her. I know she meant well but clearly I need to get started on this whole weight loss thing. A fact my dear husband reminded me of on Saturday morning. It's ok...he's an assface.
Saturday we made the 2-hour trek to Ames to see my little brother. We were a kind family and greeted my brother at his dorm room by wearing fake mustaches. Even grandma wore one. Too bad we took them off before we could get a picture.
My other brother (Darrell...ha ha!) and his wife and son also came over. We lunched at Hickory Park, the best restaurant ever. Not only is it cheap, but they give you a placemat that has all of the ice cream choices on it. A placemat. Oh, the possibilities. I had bubble gum.
After lunch we took a family trip to Wal-mart so the little brother could get a new printer. Did we actually look at printers? Well, my mom did. This is what my brothers did.
This is completely normal for us. We concluded our shopping trip by trying on various winter hats.
I was not quick enough to get photos of them in Spongebob or Winnie the Pooh hats but this was good enough. This was taken right before I got told that customers are not allowed to take photos in Wal-mart. Probably because they're afraid they'll go up on the famed I don't blame them but come on. I know Jared can be trashy (smile Jerry!) but a picture of him in a moose hat does not come CLOSE to what you can see on that site. Now, if he were in a wifebeater and cut-off jeans that showed off his junk wearing a moose hat, then they could be concerned.
All in all we had a fun day. Saturday night concluded with more beer drinking and watching Dark Shadows. The movie was ok. The beer was better. I'm pretty sure my grandma and my parents think I'm an alcoholic. As my husband pointed out, I don't drink first thing in the morning and I don't drink hard liquor so I'm not a true alcoholic. See people...that's why I married him.
In running news, I've got a 5k coming up on Saturday. Ang, Eric, and I are running the Monster Dash around Lake Harriet. Eric is 6 and planning on running his 1st 5k. He's going to kick my ass. I just know it. Oh, and the best part of it will be the fact that it's going to be 24 degrees that morning. Booty shake for luck!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Most Days I'm a Hot Mess
As an overweight person, I am chock full of insecurities. This probably doesn't come as a surprise to you. Actually, I think everyone, whether they're fat or not, deals with some sort of insecurity on a daily basis.
I know sometimes I can come across as tough and not caring but that is so far from the truth. I care what people think. Every time I post a new blog, I constantly check my phone to see if anyone commented or I log into the site to see how many people have read it. I say that this is just for me but I WANT that validation. How lame is that!?! Well, ok, it's not lame. It's completely normal. I just wish I could post something and be ok if no one reads it. Someday I'll get there.
I also have a false sense of security. I mean, I look at myself every day in the mirror and I can see that I've gained weight. I certainly don't have a magic mirror. But I don't think I see how much I've actually gained. Well, until I look at pictures. I happened to look at the official pictures from the 10-mile and all I can say is damn. It's kind of like shamu is running a race. Seriously...shamu. It scares me because I can't see what I've become unless I look closely from the outside. I lie and tell myself that it's ok, that I've just gained a few pounds, but reality is not a pretty picture.
I lack the motivation to get my ass in gear and believe me, I've tried desperately to find it. I have no problem running. In fact, I'm doing a 5k on the 27th. It's the eating component that is dragging me down. You would think it wouldn't be difficult to tell myself to put down the cheeseburger and walk away. You would think I could say, no, Erin, a salad is better for you than the plate of wings. And you would think that someone who is tired of being seen as the fat person in the group would be able to do those things without fail. But you'd be wrong. Because fat people always have an excuse for why they look the way they do. And excuses overrule reality.
I clearly am a woman in need of help. I need your motivation. I need your inspiration. And I need you to tell me to get off my fat ass and become the woman that I know is hidden inside. She's begging to be let out.
I know sometimes I can come across as tough and not caring but that is so far from the truth. I care what people think. Every time I post a new blog, I constantly check my phone to see if anyone commented or I log into the site to see how many people have read it. I say that this is just for me but I WANT that validation. How lame is that!?! Well, ok, it's not lame. It's completely normal. I just wish I could post something and be ok if no one reads it. Someday I'll get there.
I also have a false sense of security. I mean, I look at myself every day in the mirror and I can see that I've gained weight. I certainly don't have a magic mirror. But I don't think I see how much I've actually gained. Well, until I look at pictures. I happened to look at the official pictures from the 10-mile and all I can say is damn. It's kind of like shamu is running a race. Seriously...shamu. It scares me because I can't see what I've become unless I look closely from the outside. I lie and tell myself that it's ok, that I've just gained a few pounds, but reality is not a pretty picture.
I lack the motivation to get my ass in gear and believe me, I've tried desperately to find it. I have no problem running. In fact, I'm doing a 5k on the 27th. It's the eating component that is dragging me down. You would think it wouldn't be difficult to tell myself to put down the cheeseburger and walk away. You would think I could say, no, Erin, a salad is better for you than the plate of wings. And you would think that someone who is tired of being seen as the fat person in the group would be able to do those things without fail. But you'd be wrong. Because fat people always have an excuse for why they look the way they do. And excuses overrule reality.
I clearly am a woman in need of help. I need your motivation. I need your inspiration. And I need you to tell me to get off my fat ass and become the woman that I know is hidden inside. She's begging to be let out.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Small Child For Sale
I have said it before and I will say it again. God bless you to all of you single parents or those of you with multiple children. Glenn is at drill until tomorrow so I've had 48 hours with my dear, sweet little boy.
I am physically exhausted. In addition to trying to catch up on laundry, baking, and monitoring email (tomorrow is our big abstract deadline!), I've had to deal with a crazy, whiny, 2 1/2 year old. Thankfully Team Umizoomi just came on so I have an hour of sanity.
I love Rowan dearly. After all, he's my miracle baby. Sort of. Glenn and I got pregnant right after he came home from his second deployment. I miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks. After that, we struggled to get pregnant. I wasn't ovulating so we both went through several tests and I ended up on Clomid. Luckily I only had to go through one dose. We ended up pregnant with Rowan 10 months after my miscarriage. I'd like to think we'd have gotten pregnant on our own eventually but you never know.
I know his age plays into everything these days, which would explain why I want to pick him up and shake him on a daily basis. No need to call the cops...I haven't actually gone through with it. Believe me, he'd tell you if I had.
I've tried my hardest to keep him busy this weekend. Friday night we went and got groceries and watched a movie. Yesterday we went to target, made brownies, watched a new movie, and played with toys. Clearly I kept him busy enough because he slept in until 9 this morning. Today we went to Michael's, made a batch of Halloween suckers, painted/colored, made cupcakes, and watched more Team Umizoomi than I can handle. I'm hoping he'll pass out soon so I can have a little bit of Mommy time.
Thankfully Daddy will be back tomorrow and can relieve me of my single parenting duties. Otherwise, you may see me wandering the street with a wagon full of clothes, books, and a peanut butter sandwich as I attempt to run away. Night night y'all.
I am physically exhausted. In addition to trying to catch up on laundry, baking, and monitoring email (tomorrow is our big abstract deadline!), I've had to deal with a crazy, whiny, 2 1/2 year old. Thankfully Team Umizoomi just came on so I have an hour of sanity.
I love Rowan dearly. After all, he's my miracle baby. Sort of. Glenn and I got pregnant right after he came home from his second deployment. I miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks. After that, we struggled to get pregnant. I wasn't ovulating so we both went through several tests and I ended up on Clomid. Luckily I only had to go through one dose. We ended up pregnant with Rowan 10 months after my miscarriage. I'd like to think we'd have gotten pregnant on our own eventually but you never know.
I know his age plays into everything these days, which would explain why I want to pick him up and shake him on a daily basis. No need to call the cops...I haven't actually gone through with it. Believe me, he'd tell you if I had.
I've tried my hardest to keep him busy this weekend. Friday night we went and got groceries and watched a movie. Yesterday we went to target, made brownies, watched a new movie, and played with toys. Clearly I kept him busy enough because he slept in until 9 this morning. Today we went to Michael's, made a batch of Halloween suckers, painted/colored, made cupcakes, and watched more Team Umizoomi than I can handle. I'm hoping he'll pass out soon so I can have a little bit of Mommy time.
Thankfully Daddy will be back tomorrow and can relieve me of my single parenting duties. Otherwise, you may see me wandering the street with a wagon full of clothes, books, and a peanut butter sandwich as I attempt to run away. Night night y'all.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
And the Winner Is...
Thank you so much to my dear friend Amy for helping me rename my blog. Now that I've finished my 10 mile training, I wanted to give the blog a name that was a little more meaningful. I offered points if it was witty and had naughty undertones.
Here are a few that she came up with..
Honestly, I loved them all but as you can see, I went with the one that just kept sticking with me...Some Days, I Run in Stilettos. They are so much better than anything I could come up with. The words "Big Ginger" kept sticking in my head and that just didn't seem right. So Amy, 25 points to you. You can cash those in for drinks on me!
And if any of you blog and are interested in doing a guest post (hint hint, Kyle and/or Amy), let me know. I welcome all forms of sarcasm and wit!
Here are a few that she came up with..
- This Kitten is Smitten
- Sex Kitten in Training (a personal fave)
- Diary of a Sarcastic Vixen
Honestly, I loved them all but as you can see, I went with the one that just kept sticking with me...Some Days, I Run in Stilettos. They are so much better than anything I could come up with. The words "Big Ginger" kept sticking in my head and that just didn't seem right. So Amy, 25 points to you. You can cash those in for drinks on me!
And if any of you blog and are interested in doing a guest post (hint hint, Kyle and/or Amy), let me know. I welcome all forms of sarcasm and wit!
Monday, October 8, 2012
10 Miles and Counting
I did it. I spent 3 months training for the TC 10-mile and I did it. I finished. I may not have ran the entire way but I finished, which was my ultimate goal.
Yesterday morning was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G. We're talking high 20's/low 30's at the start of the race. I tried to dress semi-warm but not too warm so that I would overheat along the way. Needless to say, my upper half was fine. The lower half? Let's just say I couldn't really feel my legs until mile 8.
The race started at 7:09 a.m. I was in the last corral, because that's where they put the turtle like people, so I didn't even hit the starting line until 7:21. I was so nervous but I relaxed about a mile or so in. At mile 2.5, my stomach started getting queasy. I blame it on the toast, sport beans, and my nervousness. I popped a Gu and I was fine...thank god. I really hate to throw up and I really didn't want to kill my race when I'd barely begun.
About 2.75 miles was a killer hill. Now I did not hill train like I probably should have. So I walked up it. I figured I'd rather walk a little than expend all of my energy and barely make it to the finish line. Glenn and Rowan met me at mile 4 and mile 6 to cheer me on. I was so glad they did because it was great motivation for me.
The entire time I was doing the race, I kept thinking about the little guy who calls me mommy. I was doing this for him. He was my inspiration to finish what I started. I guess Glenn asked him after he saw me at mile 6 if he wanted to run a 10-miler some day. He said yes. I'm so proud of my little man.
I was also thinking about everyone who wished me luck and sent good thoughts and supported me along this journey. I wanted to be the person I said I was going to be. The one who finished the race. And I was.
I crossed the finish line at 2 hours and 8 minutes. 8 minutes more than I wanted but I finished that damn race.
As soon as I saw Glenn and Rowan, I started crying. I couldn't believe I'd actually made it. Hell, I'm still having a hard time with it. I. Made. It. Someday when I'm super old, I will be able to tell my grandkids and great-grandkids that back in the day, I ran a 10-miler. That's a glorious feeling.
Yesterday morning was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G. We're talking high 20's/low 30's at the start of the race. I tried to dress semi-warm but not too warm so that I would overheat along the way. Needless to say, my upper half was fine. The lower half? Let's just say I couldn't really feel my legs until mile 8.
The race started at 7:09 a.m. I was in the last corral, because that's where they put the turtle like people, so I didn't even hit the starting line until 7:21. I was so nervous but I relaxed about a mile or so in. At mile 2.5, my stomach started getting queasy. I blame it on the toast, sport beans, and my nervousness. I popped a Gu and I was fine...thank god. I really hate to throw up and I really didn't want to kill my race when I'd barely begun.
About 2.75 miles was a killer hill. Now I did not hill train like I probably should have. So I walked up it. I figured I'd rather walk a little than expend all of my energy and barely make it to the finish line. Glenn and Rowan met me at mile 4 and mile 6 to cheer me on. I was so glad they did because it was great motivation for me.
The entire time I was doing the race, I kept thinking about the little guy who calls me mommy. I was doing this for him. He was my inspiration to finish what I started. I guess Glenn asked him after he saw me at mile 6 if he wanted to run a 10-miler some day. He said yes. I'm so proud of my little man.
I was also thinking about everyone who wished me luck and sent good thoughts and supported me along this journey. I wanted to be the person I said I was going to be. The one who finished the race. And I was.
I crossed the finish line at 2 hours and 8 minutes. 8 minutes more than I wanted but I finished that damn race.
As soon as I saw Glenn and Rowan, I started crying. I couldn't believe I'd actually made it. Hell, I'm still having a hard time with it. I. Made. It. Someday when I'm super old, I will be able to tell my grandkids and great-grandkids that back in the day, I ran a 10-miler. That's a glorious feeling.
Two of my bestest friends also ran. The one on the left ran the 10-miler with me. She finished in 1 hour, 28 minutes, which was a PR for her. The one in the middle ran the TC Marathon, her first ever. She finished in 4 hours, 22 minutes. I am SO proud of both of them. They have been a huge inspiration to me throughout all of this.
So what's next you might ask. A half-marathon is definitely in my future. I'm shooting for sometime early next fall. Winter is my busy time at work and I won't be able to devote the time I need to train so I'll save that for spring/summer.
I've also decided to keep the blog going. As I've mentioned before, it's therapeutic for me. So expect more on weight loss, my trials and tribulations as I go through this cycle called life, and much more of my endless humor, sarcasm, and wit. Believe me, I'm just getting started. Enjoy the ride.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The End is Finally Near!
I can't believe it's almost here. The thing that I have spent the last 3 months training for. The TC 10-miler has finally arrived! And I am freaking out!
I've spent so much time preparing for this run, the longest run I've done in the history of my life. I've got 3 goals:
Weight loss is my biggest failure. Hell, I've failed at least 4 times since I've started this blog. I know this run isn't about weight loss but if I can't even commit to trying to get healthy, how am I going to pull off 10 miles?
I WANT to finish this race. I WANT to look back 5 years from now and be able to say that I ran 10 miles at one time. Scratch that. I WILL say that I ran 10 miles.
My race is on Sunday at 7:09 a.m. I'm going to need lots of good thoughts and prayers sent my way so if you could start now, that would probably be best. The more the better.
I've spent so much time preparing for this run, the longest run I've done in the history of my life. I've got 3 goals:
- Finish
- Run the entire 10 miles
- Finish in 2 hours or less
Weight loss is my biggest failure. Hell, I've failed at least 4 times since I've started this blog. I know this run isn't about weight loss but if I can't even commit to trying to get healthy, how am I going to pull off 10 miles?
I WANT to finish this race. I WANT to look back 5 years from now and be able to say that I ran 10 miles at one time. Scratch that. I WILL say that I ran 10 miles.
My race is on Sunday at 7:09 a.m. I'm going to need lots of good thoughts and prayers sent my way so if you could start now, that would probably be best. The more the better.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Book Bandwagon
If you know me at all, you'd know that I tend to jump on various bandwagons, usually a month or two behind. Or in some cases, WAY behind. Like skinny jeans, self-serve frozen yogurt, and various book trilogies.
I am a big fan of books. They are a huge part of my life and always have and always will be. I hope my love for them is the one thing that I can pass on to my kids. So far so good with Rowan. Anyway, because I love books, I'll read almost anything. I'm not a fan of non-fiction and my favorites are anything saucy, spicy, and/or full of suspense. Hence the reason I have jumped on the triology bandwagon over the past few years.
Let's start with...Twilight. You're probably all groaning and thinking "what in the hell?" or "seriously?". I have my friend Elise to thank for introducting me to this series. I started reading them a few months before the first movie came out and finished all 4 within a matter of a month.
You cannot judge a book by its movie, people. The Twilight movies, especially the first one, do not show the true story behind Twilight. The books have so much more detail and are written so much better. A friend of mine swore she wouldn't read them but she begrudgingly jumped on the bandwagon and has been hooked ever since. I swear you won't be disappointed. Now the real question is...Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Next up...The Hunger Games. If you have not jumped on this bandwagon, do it. Do it now. These books are just so...good! They suck you in and you can't help but want to pick up the next one the minute you finish the first one. While violent, these books have a slight romantic twist that keeps you engaged and wondering, who will Katniss choose? Plus the movie is just plain awesome.
Ok...The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I liked this series A LOT but it's hard to get past the first 100 pages of the first book. If you can do it, you won't regret it. Each book ends on a cliffhanger (you can seriously feel it in the air). The thing that made me bitter is that I know there is a fourth book out there. Stieg Larsson's girlfriend (they never married even though they were together for over 20 years) is withholding the manuscript from his family. They're greedy bastards and only want it for the money. Now if she could just give me a copy, it would make everything all better.
The movie is also very good but very very dark. It also strays from the book slightly in that they change the characters a little bit but it's definitely worth seeing.
And last but never the absolute favorite...50 Shades of Grey. This is the one bandwagon I jumped on long before it became the juicy craze it is now. I read this triology in 4 days about a month before anyone had really heard of it. It wasn't even available in a bookstore at the time. It was recommended to me by a friend, who heard about it on Lori and Julia, who claimed it was going to be the next hottest thing. Boy, were they right!
Now, you may have heard that these books are soft core porn. You would be right. And that's partly what makes them so awesome. But really, you have to look beyond the spanking and the handcuffs because there is a real love story that is portrayed. I love everything about these books. I love them so much I actually read them twice. One thing to note...if you're faint of heart, I would steer clear. These are probably too hardcore for you.
The best part is that they're making it into a movie! I have no idea how they're going to keep it under an NC-17 rating but good luck to them. I myself will be camped out at the theater the minute it comes out, especially since this hunky gentlemen will be playing the one and only Christian Grey. Yummy!
Go them. I know you want to.
I am a big fan of books. They are a huge part of my life and always have and always will be. I hope my love for them is the one thing that I can pass on to my kids. So far so good with Rowan. Anyway, because I love books, I'll read almost anything. I'm not a fan of non-fiction and my favorites are anything saucy, spicy, and/or full of suspense. Hence the reason I have jumped on the triology bandwagon over the past few years.
Let's start with...Twilight. You're probably all groaning and thinking "what in the hell?" or "seriously?". I have my friend Elise to thank for introducting me to this series. I started reading them a few months before the first movie came out and finished all 4 within a matter of a month.
You cannot judge a book by its movie, people. The Twilight movies, especially the first one, do not show the true story behind Twilight. The books have so much more detail and are written so much better. A friend of mine swore she wouldn't read them but she begrudgingly jumped on the bandwagon and has been hooked ever since. I swear you won't be disappointed. Now the real question is...Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Next up...The Hunger Games. If you have not jumped on this bandwagon, do it. Do it now. These books are just so...good! They suck you in and you can't help but want to pick up the next one the minute you finish the first one. While violent, these books have a slight romantic twist that keeps you engaged and wondering, who will Katniss choose? Plus the movie is just plain awesome.
Ok...The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I liked this series A LOT but it's hard to get past the first 100 pages of the first book. If you can do it, you won't regret it. Each book ends on a cliffhanger (you can seriously feel it in the air). The thing that made me bitter is that I know there is a fourth book out there. Stieg Larsson's girlfriend (they never married even though they were together for over 20 years) is withholding the manuscript from his family. They're greedy bastards and only want it for the money. Now if she could just give me a copy, it would make everything all better.
The movie is also very good but very very dark. It also strays from the book slightly in that they change the characters a little bit but it's definitely worth seeing.
And last but never the absolute favorite...50 Shades of Grey. This is the one bandwagon I jumped on long before it became the juicy craze it is now. I read this triology in 4 days about a month before anyone had really heard of it. It wasn't even available in a bookstore at the time. It was recommended to me by a friend, who heard about it on Lori and Julia, who claimed it was going to be the next hottest thing. Boy, were they right!
Now, you may have heard that these books are soft core porn. You would be right. And that's partly what makes them so awesome. But really, you have to look beyond the spanking and the handcuffs because there is a real love story that is portrayed. I love everything about these books. I love them so much I actually read them twice. One thing to note...if you're faint of heart, I would steer clear. These are probably too hardcore for you.
The best part is that they're making it into a movie! I have no idea how they're going to keep it under an NC-17 rating but good luck to them. I myself will be camped out at the theater the minute it comes out, especially since this hunky gentlemen will be playing the one and only Christian Grey. Yummy!
Go them. I know you want to.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tales from Sin City
Well, we survived our trip to Las Vegas. The hubs and I finally went on our own mini-vacation to Sin City and had a blast!
Glenn's parents were generous enough to let us use their timeshare at Tahiti Village.
It was awesome because while it was on the Strip, it was far enough down that you didn't have all the lights and noise and people. Plus, they shuttled us back and forth to New York New York and the Mirage so we didn't have to worry about cabbing it. Walking, well that's a different story.
I hadn't been to Vegas in 10 years so it was amazing to see all of the changes. We did the usual Las Vegas things...gambling, walking, drinking, walking some more, gambling, drinking, oh, and uh, walking. I swear my legs were going to fall off by day 2. That and chub rub on day 3 about did me in.
Friday night we went and saw Zumanity, one of the Cirque de Soleil shows. It's the one about sensuality and had lots of swearing and nakedness. Well right there you know it was my kind of show. It was frickin' amazing!
This time I even went downtown. Glenn and I figured out the city bus and took a little trip to the Golden Nugget and Fremont St.
I got a daquiri the size of an actual football and off we went. I swear I saw more nakedness downtown than I saw at Zumanity.
All in all, we had a great time. We were pretty tame by Vegas standards. We took a nap one day, were in bed at a decent time, didn't get hammered, and only lost a little money. I did well enough to keep us somewhat close to even. Oh well, there's always next time!
Glenn's parents were generous enough to let us use their timeshare at Tahiti Village.
It was awesome because while it was on the Strip, it was far enough down that you didn't have all the lights and noise and people. Plus, they shuttled us back and forth to New York New York and the Mirage so we didn't have to worry about cabbing it. Walking, well that's a different story.
I hadn't been to Vegas in 10 years so it was amazing to see all of the changes. We did the usual Las Vegas things...gambling, walking, drinking, walking some more, gambling, drinking, oh, and uh, walking. I swear my legs were going to fall off by day 2. That and chub rub on day 3 about did me in.
Friday night we went and saw Zumanity, one of the Cirque de Soleil shows. It's the one about sensuality and had lots of swearing and nakedness. Well right there you know it was my kind of show. It was frickin' amazing!
This time I even went downtown. Glenn and I figured out the city bus and took a little trip to the Golden Nugget and Fremont St.
I got a daquiri the size of an actual football and off we went. I swear I saw more nakedness downtown than I saw at Zumanity.
All in all, we had a great time. We were pretty tame by Vegas standards. We took a nap one day, were in bed at a decent time, didn't get hammered, and only lost a little money. I did well enough to keep us somewhat close to even. Oh well, there's always next time!
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