Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Hulk, Phil-hole, and Nerds

My birthday extravaganza has concluded. Last Thursday, my actual birthday, was awesome. I've been feeling anxious about turning 33 mostly because my little brother finally went to college, which made me feel really old. My day started and ended with food. I figured since it was my birthday, I would have a by against my diet. After work, my team went out for happy hour at the Republic. One beer and a couple of apps later and I made my home. Glenn and Rowan surprised me with a party complete with a sign and hats. Rowan, of course, wanted cake. He sat and stared at the cupcakes for like an hour until we let him have one.

Friday a good friend and former co-worker was in town so a few of us went and had lunch at Wasabi. It was so awesome to see him. He lives in New York and hadn't been home in a year. Of course the visit was too short but at least we got a chance to see him.

Saturday consisted of a birthday party for one of Rowan's neighbor friends and...girls night!!! I haven't had a girls night since May I think. Glenn was nice enough to drive us downtown. We had dinner and drinks at the Bradstreet at the Graves and then went to Kieran's. At Kieran's, we met Phil-hole. We're sitting there minding our own business when this jackass in a blazer pulls up a chair and sits down with us. He was completely hammered, slurring his words, and acted like a complete douche. Thank god he didn't stick around long.

We hit up a couple more bars after Kieran's. Our last stop of the evening was the 508 club. We heard music when we walked in the door and immediately headed downstairs only to realize that the Eden Prairie Class of 2002 was having their reunion down there. So we crashed it. And who did we see down there? Why Phil-hole of course. Luckily he didn't see us. We also saw these awesome nerds who were wearing shirts that lit up to the beat of the music. I, of course, insisted on getting my picture taken with them.

We finally got home at 1 a.m. Getting up this morning for my 5 mile run was a little brutal. I didn't get drunk last night but I was dehydrated and tired. Glenn made me take some C4, which is basically a pre-workout with a lot of caffeine in it. It tasted like I was licking a lot of fun dip.

I felt really decent on my run today. Glenn kept track of our mileage but didn't tell me how far we went. We ran out past the hospital and up through St. Olaf's campus. I had to walk a little bit because of cramping but overall I did a decent job. We stopped at the park so Rowan could play for a little bit and by the time we made it home, we had gone 6 miles. I haven't ran/walked 6 miles since the 10k I did when Rowan was 6 months old. I've totally got this 10 miler!

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