Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spandex in August

Observations from today's run:

1. I heart spandex. Those are words I never thought would come out of my mouth. My new running capris are unbelieveable. Seriously, it felt like I was running naked. Not a great image but I love them so much. My only issue is that my underwear kept sliding down. Not bad but enough that it bothered me. I'm considering running sans granny panties (no I don't really wear least not a majority of the time) but am struggling a little bit. I HATE not wearing underwear so this is a huge deal for me. I need to mull this one.

2. My new running shoes are...different. They support my feet slightly better than my old running shoes and are much more lightweight. However, I noticed every time I put my foot down that it looks like a moose has just taken a step. My foot flattens out and the sides expand just ever so much. Gross. Oh, and see what I mean about the neon? I think I'll glow in the dark if I go running at night.

3. I have a love/hate relationship with August. I love it because it's my birthday month. I love it because it means the state fair is almost here. I love it because running is bearable as compared to July. I love it because it's my birthday month (hint hint - I accept gifts in the form of gift cards or cash). I also hate it for many reasons. It means that summer is almost over. It means that cold weather is quickly approaching and I will never be ready for snow. Cute boots and sweaters and football, yes. Cold weather, no. It means that the sky grows darker a lot earlier and that's just not cool.

On another note, my birthday is next week. No, that's not another hint for presents (although I will never turn one down, lol). I'm sort of not looking forward to it. My little brother left for college yesterday and I'm really feeling my age. When he was born, I was 14. He was one of those "oops" babies you hear about. Anyway, I remember thinking to myself "god, when he graduates from high school I'm going to be 32". Yup, I was 32 when he graduated in May which means I turn 33 next Thursday. I always thought he'd stay little forever but alas. Damn you Father Time, you're moving me along faster than I would like.

My mother is slightly sad, at least from what I could tell from her tone yesterday. She and my dad are finally empty nesters. Not that you ever knew Jared was around because he pretty much lived in his room. She'll have to fill her time with crafts and reading and watching one of her favorite grandson's (hint hint).

Tomorrow we head for Winona and Goodview Days. Beer tents, parades, and my first official 5K of the summer. I'm gonna wear my spandex again. Cause it's awesome.


  1. I enjoy reading your blog. I do understand the battle. Ever since I had my gallbladder out it seems to just stay on. I know you can do it just like me because both you and I do what we want. It really was great getting to see you again after a VERY long time.

  2. Thanks, Tammy! It was so good to see you, too. I wish you guys lived closer to us or we lived closer to you so we could see each other more often. We can totally do this. It's a Jackson trait!
