Monday, August 13, 2012

Beerfest, FSH, and Dangly Bits

Saturday's run = major suckage. I had a lot of issues on Saturday. Maybe it was the beer I drank the night before. Maybe it was the fact that I really had to go to the bathroom. I don't know. Whatever it was, I sucked ass. I started out decent but quickly failed the farther and farther away I got from my house. Ugh, oh well. At least I made it 4 miles, even if I had to walk part of it.

For Glenn's birthday, I got him a ticket to the Twin Cities Beerfest. Beerfest took place at the MOA on Saturday afternoon/evening.  I played sober cab for him and our friend Brian. Beerfest was awesome and I didn't even drink! There were a ton of vendors with at least 3 different types of beer at each stop. You walk in, they hand you a glass, and off you go. There's food trucks, games, music, and of course, drunk people. I think in the course of an hour and a half, the guys made it through 25 to 30 different beers. I don't think that was even 1/3 of what they could have tried.

How were they not falling down you ask? Well, the cup is clearly marked with a line at the 2 oz. mark so you can have a slight sample. Good theory but that mark has no meaning to most of the vendors. I did not have to carry them back to the car but there was some slurring going on.

One of the vendors was something Traveler. They gave away fake mustaches at their booth. Let me just say, I can rock a good 'stache.

My best friend was nice enough to watch Rowan along with her two kids while I played sober cab. We hit curfew and headed home just in time for her to take off for the Twins Game. Shoutout to Ang for watching the little kids while I dealt with the big kids!!

We concluded the evening with a trip to FSH or Farmington Steak House as you other folks might call it. FSH is a top notch establishment. Where else can you get a ribeye, baked potato, soup or salad, and texas toast for less than $8. Is it good quality meat? Will you get salmonella? Who knows. The point is, it's cheap. I myself stick to the cheeseburger and fries for $3. Now the fries may not be fully cooked but again, it's cheap. Our little family of three ate for $15. You can't even do that at McDonald's!

As I've mentioned before, I loves me a good laugh along with some good old people watching. Today, I hit a gold mine. I was out to lunch with a couple of co-workers at Tugg's, which is just along the river. We're chatting away when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I see this middle aged guy running towards us on the other side of the street. I glance down and realize that running man has a slight issue. The issue being that his man parts are hanging out the bottom of his shorts just flopping in the wind. It was just weird because his man parts were covered with some sort of white fabric (I think) but yet I knew it wasn't part of the red shorts he was wearing. Being the adult that I am, I burst out laughing and covered my face with my hands trying to get the visual to disappear from my brain. I'm super classy like that. It was H-I-LARIOUS!!

On that note, I bid you adieu. Until next time peeps.


  1. Do you mean to suggest that this man had somehow fashioned some sort of cloth sling for his bits and pieces? What could this mean???

  2. It could be the new rage in running gear for men. Why did we not think of this first?

  3. let's open an Etsy shop!
