Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Last Night's Run = Shitty

Last night was awful. I had a decent day of eating considering it was Food Truck Day for my team. We hit up the food trucks along Marquette in Downtown Minneapolis. I could have done way worse than the shrimp tacos I had. I even had healthy snacks! I think my downfall was not drinking enough water.

I did 3 miles last night and they totally sucked. I was hot (because I ran at 6:00 at night directly into the sun), I was thirsty, my knee hurt, and I really had to go to the bathroom. My god, I'm such a whiner. I mean, how many times have you heard me bitch and complain about how much my runs suck and how I should be happy that I at least completed the distance. A lot. I continue to torment myself instead of trying to maintain a positive attitude about my training. And the kicker..I was supposed to do 4 miles according to my schedule. Arrrhhh!

I completely skipped the 30ds last night because I was wasted. Not drunk, people. Just extremely tired. I actually had to ice my knee so I figured I probably shouldn't attempt to do squats and jump around. I'll get back into it tonight after my 40 minutes of cross training.

I did start level 2 on Monday night and it is WAY harder than level 1. I was actually grunting and screaming in order to get through it. I was one of those annoying people you see at the gym who you're totally embarassed for. You know who I'm talking about.

Next Saturday (Sept 8) I'm doing the Warrior Dash in Hugo. A good friend of mine was supposed to do it with me but she had to cancel on me (with a very good reason!). Her friend is running an ultra marathon up north and he needs someone at every aid station to help him out and just be there for general support. For those of you who don't know what an ultra is, he's running 100 miles. Craziness! I can totally understand why he would need support.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in coming out and watching me or running with me (it's not that bad!), I'm running at 3 p.m. I'm going to be all by my lonesome. *sniff sniff* *tear*

I kid. I'll be fine. But seriously, if anyone wants to run it with me, let me know. We can always transfer my friend's registration over to you. It's such a blast! And that's saying something for a girl who hates mud and getting dirty.

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