Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm Only 32...Who Really Needs Knees?

Yesterday's run was killer. Not in a bad way because I kicked ass! My knee has been bugging me for a few days now. It feels like it needs to crack but it won't. I debated about even going running but I knew I had to try and stick to my schedule since I hadn't run since Saturday.

My schedule said 2 miles but I pushed for 3. Glenn let me use his running watch since I need a new battery for mine so I could at least try and pace myself. And pace myself I did! I managed to stick to between a 10:30 and 11:00 minute pace and actually felt good about it. We took a new route and went up by Carleton for a change of scenery. Towards the end of the run, my knee started bugging me. I'm slightly worried about it but I think it might be because I've been picking up the pace. I'm sure my body is just trying to get used to it. Either that or my knee is rejecting me, kind of like my liver wants to every time I drink.

I'm finding this blog to be very therapeutic for me. At first I meant for this to be a place for me to journal about the goods and bads as I make my way to the TC 10-miler. It's become so much more than that. It's a place where I can be myself, where I don't need to worry about whether or not the laundry is getting done or figure out what we're having for supper. It's about me.

I've kept so much to myself for many years. Everyone knows bits and pieces but there isn't one person who knows everything I was going through as I gained and lost weight or how I felt the entire time that Glenn was deployed. I've never been a secretive person but I am very selective about who I give information to. I care deeply about my friends and my family. I spend so much time being there for them that I sometimes forget to be there for me. Don't get me wrong...I'm not bitching about that in any way. I'm very much a people person and I like to be there for others through their ups and downs. I just need to remember to let others be there for me, too.

Here is a little nugget for you...I love to laugh. Especially at stupid things. Like crazy cat photos.

How can anyone not think is is cute and funny? If you're not laughing, I'm pretty sure you have no soul. Or you hate cats, in which case, I'm not sure we can be friends. What's that you say? You adore me and don't know how you're going to function without me? Alright, fine, I'll take you back. But consider this a warning.

See...wit and sarcasm all rolled into one! I'm telling you, it's a gift. Peace out.

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