Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Knee Pain and Justin Bieber (The Two Are Not Connected...I Swear)

You've probably been wondering where I've been since I haven't posted in a while. It's ok. You can say you missed me. I don't mind.

Let's see, what has Erin been up to.

Go to the Minnesota State Fair...check
Buy yet another pair of running shoes...check
Determine that I need a pair of spandex shorts for running so I don't show my ass cheeks...check
Skip JM's 30 day shred because of knee pain...check
Make doctor's appointment for said knee pain...check
Run 6 miles according to training schedule...half a check
Work out daily and follow a healthy eating habit...EPIC FAIL

To say that my knee is killing me is putting it mildly. Sunday I was supposed to do 6 miles. I made it 4.5. And I walked the last mile and a half. My husband was nice enough to go buy me a knee brace to help constrict me a little more. It worked first. 3 miles in and I was done. Every time I put my foot down, pain would shoot up my left leg. Awesome!!

Last night we went to the MOA (Mall of America for you out of towners) and hit up Foot Locker. I broke down and bought a pair of New Balance Minimus even though I think they're mostly ugly. Good news: they were half price. Bad news: they didn't have the plain black ones I wanted. I ended up with gray. I can live with gray. I mean, that's really all my husband wears in addition to black.

When we got home, we decided to do a quick mile to test out my new kicks. So I put on my running gear and off we went at 8:00 at night. It was pretty much pitch black. While the shoes are mostly ugly, they make up for it by being awesome. You definitely run different with minimus shoes but in a good way.

And while the shoes were awesome, my shorts...not so much. I rarely wear shorts when I run because they always crawl up my legs and then my thighs rub together and I get super annoyed. We had barely gone a quarter mile when the annoyance started. I swear to god my ass cheeks were hanging out of my shorts. Glenn "volunteered" to run behind me to check. They were not but it led me to the thought of buying even more of the dreaded spandex, but in shorts form. We shall see.

Today my knee has been hurting like a son of a bitch. I decided to be a grown up and I made a doctor's appointment. On Friday I will find out my fate. I hope they don't tell me that I can't run the 10-miler. And I hope they tell me that I've magically lost 8 trillion pounds when I step on the scale. I believe one of these will be true and I bet you can guess which one!

Tomorrow is decorate your locker day at work. I swear to god we do real work there. It only feels like I work on a cruise ship. Anyway, I scoured Target for locker supplies tonight to no avail. Well, that's not true. I bought a copy of Bop magazine (yes, it still exists!!!) and will be decorating my locker with posters of today's teen celebs. I despise Justin Bieber but tomorrow he will be the object of my affection. There are prizes involved here people!!!

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