Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Daringness of Me that even a word? Eh, who cares.

I've always wanted to be more daring. To do things that are so "not me". Everyone thinks, or used to think, that I was always the goody goody. Well let me tell you people, you couldn't be farther from the truth. I swear like a sailor, I drink like a fish, I've got my fair share of get the picture.

I'm, for the most part, about trying and experiencing new things. The 10-miler for instance. I've always said I wanted to run a marathon some day. Of course, I only say that when I'm watching the Biggest Loser. If they can do it, so can I. And then reality hits. Well this time, when reality hit, I grabbed it by the horns and wrestled that sucker to the ground. I don't even think that was an analogy. Plain speak = I made it into the 10-miler lottery and signed up for it.

Back in February, I also did something bold that I don't think I would have done 10 years ago. I did a boudoir photo shoot aka wearing lingerie and posing in front of the camera. One of the other army wives is a photographer and she offered to do this photo shoot for anyone who wanted to try it out. After some encouragement (ok, a lot) from my husband, I said screw it, I'm gonna do this. I didn't know when I'd get another opportunity to do this again.

So I got my hair and makeup done and bought some fancy undergarments and off I went to the W at the Foshay in downtown mpls. I was sooo nervous because a1) I hate my body and a2) I hate my body. The results = I loved every minute of it! I felt so free and beautiful. Those pictures captured a woman who wasn't afraid of putting herself out there. I definitely hated a couple of them but overall they turned out fabulous.

If you are my brothers or anyone else who gets nervous about anyone not wearing head to toe flannel, you may want to avert your eyes.

Here I am in all my glory.



I would do this again in a heartbeat. Would I love to be smaller and wear something skimpier? Definitely but that's not what's it about. It's about loving yourself and doing what makes you happy.

I'm going to start a bucket list (future post for those of you who care). I want to do more things like this photo shoot. Life is about living. I don't want to leave this earth with any regrets. So I won't.

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