Monday, September 24, 2012

I Know I'm Crazy...But Not Transvestite Crazy

You've all missed me terribly haven't you. It's ok...I've missed you, too. I honestly don't have anything new or exciting to report. I've been living the dream over the last week. And by dream I mean running, cleaning my house, running some more, buying skinny jeans, doing laundy, oh and um, running.

Yes, I bought a pair of skinny jeans. Rockstar super skinny jeans to be exact. I find them quite "fitting" (see what I did there?) seeing as how my nickname is Rockstar. More on how that name came to be later. I normally am not the type to want to put on something that clings to your body like saran wrap but they are just so awesome. Plus, it gave me an excuse to use up the rest of my Maurice's gift card on a pair of black hooker boots to wear over them. Woot woot!

Yesterday Glenn's brother and his 2 daughters came up and we hit up the Renaissance Festival. Here they are looking cute as ever.

Now, I am all for being your own person and doing whatever makes you happy but lord jeebus, there are some crazy people out there. Like the he/she with the cotton candy pink hair, corset, and cat-like nails encouraging people to buy beer. Or the lady with the skin dyed green and ogre like teeth at the information booth. I doubt they had either one of you back in the 1400's but thanks for playing. Oooh, and what about the teenager dressed all in black, wearing a cape, and carrying a light saber. I can guarantee you light sabers didn't exist back then. Or ever except in George Lucas' fantasies.

And don't get me started on the belly dancers. If your tummy creates a muffin top over your jingly skirt and we can see said muffin top because you are exposing it by wearing a bra-like jingly top, I would question your decision making. God bless you for being ok with showing off the goods but in public? In front of thousands of people? Really?

As for the corset clad women, I would be right there with them in a heartbeat. You've heard me say it before...I have nice boobs. I'm quite proud of them. But there is something to be said when a woman with boobs twice the size of mine trys to shove those melons in a dress/corset 2 sizes too small. Boobs should not look irregular shaped within a corset. Nor should they spill out over the top to the point you look like you could suffocate yourself (or a small child) with them.

All in all it was a fun day. Rowan got to experience his first pony ride and proceeded to ride one-handed like a typical cowboy. No amount of urging from his mother would make him put two handles on the saddle. He's such a boy.

As of Thursday, I'm saying adios bitches! The hubs and I are heading out for some R & R in...Vegas baby! We're ditching the kid with his grandparents and going to get down and dirty in Sin City! And by down and dirty I mean we'll probably be in bed by 10 every night. That's pretty much how I roll. I can't wait!
Oh, and the rockstar nickname? I got it my first annual meeting during a staff appreciate event. Beers were consumed, dancing on tables commenced, and I ended up being called rockstar. The name has stuck ever since. See, not as dirty as you were probably thinking.

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