Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The End Is Near: 5 Days Until The Final Weigh In

Five more days until my final weigh-in with my sister-in-law and I couldn't be happier. Not that our competition is over, but for the progress I've made. I finally feel as though I've hit my groove. Now, granted, the last two weeks haven't been great on the workout front due to our hectic schedule but that still hasn't stopped me from dropping some lbs. I'm not ready to say how many but it's a good number, at least in my mind.

I'm not even done with this challenge and I'm already thinking about my next one. I believe I will be competing with my brother for about 6 weeks with our final weigh in taking place on the beloved turkey day. Glenn and I are trying to figure out our plan of attack. He wants to lose at least 20 pounds by Christmas so this will force me keep on my path through the end of the year. After that, the world is my oyster!

Stay tuned on Sunday to find out whether or not I crushed this competition!

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