Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bacation, Had to Get Away

I love long weekends. Especially ones that are as long as the work week. They would be even better if I got to sleep in. Since we just built the house and are having another baby, we decided not to do a big vacation this year. Instead, Glenn and I took Rowan to Duluth for the weekend. But before we left, we had to do something with the dog. Luckily my parents were nice enough to take him so Wednesday night we headed to Iowa.

We stayed overnight so Rowan could see Grandma's new baby kitties. One of my mother's outdoor cats had three kittens last weekend and of course, Rowan couldn't wait to pet the babies. He's already traumatized our guinea pig so I wasn't sure how this would go. Surprisingly, he did quite well. He's excited for them to get bigger so he can play with them.

The 4th of July was exactly what I needed...casual. We got back from Iowa in the late morning and spent the afternoon at a friend's place. Her apartment building has a pool so Ang, Brian, Glenn, and I took all the boys over for a pool party. They loved every minute of it. I did too as the water makes me feel less like a hippo. I was so tired I didn't even stay up for fireworks.

Friday morning we left for "bacation" as Rowan calls it. We went to the zoo, the Great Lakes Aquarium, Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock Lighthouse and Canal Park.

Superman at Gooseberry Falls

Rowan and Mommy by Split Rock Lighthouse

Enjoying a icee!

Rowan wore his superman shirt (complete with cape) on Saturday. I've never had so many people comment on a shirt before. One lady even turned around so she could take a picture of him.

We had a good time but it was nice to come home, even though it was a short trip. My pregnant body doesn't move like it should so I was tired most of the time.

This weekend (after I survive day after day of committee meetings) is jam packed with fun. Car Cruise, Christmas in July, and a picnic. I just have to survive until Friday!

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