Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Parenthood: One of Life's Biggest Worries

As a parent, you spend a lot of time worrying about your kids. From the moment that baby is placed in your arms, you are responsible for their well-being, which means you're dealing with cuts, scrapes, and all sorts of owies that come along with being a kid. And some of it can be scary. I mean, we barely got a chance to hold Rowan before he was sent off to the NICU for 5 days. I worried a lot those 5 days.

Rowan - 1 day old in the NICU
Now don't get me wrong...I'm not one of those overprotective parents who rushes their kid to the doctor every time they say something hurts. But I am the type who worries when their kid doesn't act quite like themselves. Hence, my current worry about Rowan.

Saturday afternoon Rowan spent almost 8 hours outside either in the pool, on the trampoline, or just running around in general. He then proceeded to sleep for 12.5 hours, woke up for an hour, and then took a nap. He was fine in the afternoon and yesterday but last night was complaining that his head hurt. This morning, same thing. Acted normal but said his head still hurt. I'm guessing it's just dehydration from being outside in the heat.

It just makes me nervous when he does things like this. And it's not the first time. He's acted strange before when he doesn't feel good but every time I ask him if he's ok, he says he's fine. He probably is. I'm just being paranoid mom today. I hate being paranoid mom. Even our daycare lady thinks he's fine and she was a nurse for 30-some years.

I think my paranoidness (not a real word but I'm using it anyway) is because we're finding out what we're having today. You're probably thinking, "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" and you'd be right! The two have nothing to do with each other besides the fact that in less than 5 months, we'll have another baby to worry about. I can barely handle one kid. Two scares me a little...twice the poop, twice the barf (at least during flu season), but also twice as much to love. And at least one will be out of diapers!

T-minus 1 hour until the big moment. Cross your fingers it's a girl!

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