Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We Grow Boys At Our House...Apparently

Well, it's official. There will be yet another boy to carry on the Jackson name. Glenn's side of the family consists of a long line of nieces. 5 of them to be exact. Rowan was the first boy to come along and we're lucky enough to get a second one to join him. It keeps things interesting.

Baby boy was fairly uncooperative during the ultrasound. He kept moving and at one point did a 180 so the tech had to keep fishing around to get decent pictures of him. We did manage to get the token "obvious" shot of the boy parts. At least we hope that's what it is.



Boy parts

You'll have to excuse the kick ass photography. I didn't feel like breaking out the scanner last night.

The placenta is really close to my cervix so I have to do another ultrasound in 4 weeks to see if it shifts at all. My doctor didn't seem to be too concerned. Overall, everything looks good. Baby has two hands, two feet, and a strong heart. While I desperately wanted a little girl, I'm happy that we're getting another little man. Mostly we're just glad he's healthy and appears to be quite happy. Rowan was dead set that he was having a baby sister so we've been doing our best to convince him otherwise. I think he's got it down now.

And now we get to play the name game. When we named Rowan, that was the only name we could agree on. I made up a list of some names yesterday and surprisingly Glenn said he liked three of them. Three! And the best part is Rowan can say them all. There is hope yet!

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