Friday, June 28, 2013

My Builder Can "F" Off

Have I mentioned that I hate our builder? Hate is a strong word. And in this case, it applies. We moved into the house three months ago. We were told it could be a little bit before we got our garage floor, driveway, and everything else on the outside of the house done but it would be done by June 30. Ok, no problem.

Now I know we had a crappy spring and the rain gods are looking poorly upon us but come on. All I've ever asked for is for them to keep me up-to-date on what is happening. If nothing is going to happen that week, then fine, but at least shoot me an email to let me know that.

Now we're at the point where our garage floor has been poured, we have a front walkway, and the driveway is semi-prepared for asphalt. You would think that because this week has been incredibly nice something would have gotten done. Um, no. So I decided to make a phone call this morning, which ended up with me getting bitched out by the builder for bothering them by asking to keep us informed on what's happening. As you can imagine, that did not go over very well.

Now our builder prides themselves on their superior customer service. So I asked when we would see that. Probably not a good way to start the call but oh well. I expressed my frustration with the lack of updates as she had guaranteed me a few weeks ago that she would do better. I no more than get those words out when there is a tirade about how 50 people are calling every day and bitching at her about one thing or another and she's tired of it. But I'm free to go ahead and complain and she'll just listen to it. Oh, and did you know that they don't control the weather?

Stuff cannot get done due to weather. That's fine and I understand that. I want updates. Updates. That's it. I was told I could just look out the window to find out whether or not anything will get done that day. Plus, they didn't seem to think I'd want an email every day telling me that nothing was going to get done. And that's where they're wrong. A daily email would be a blessing compared to what I've been getting.

When she asked if I had called the landscaper yet, I said no. And I was told then I should probably take care of that before I start complaining about things. Not once have I brought up landscaping. I could care less. I'm wanting to know when shit is getting done. That's it.

Throughout this entire call, I got nothing but attitude, a raised voice, and a mouthful about how we don't think they're doing their best even though they are. And nowhere did I get an apology. Basically, I'm the bad guy in this situation.

I have never been treated so poorly in my life. I just paid them hundreds of thousands of dollars for this house and to get attitude about how I'm "bothering" them doesn't sit well with me. Last time I checked superior customer service doesn't involve yelling at your client or ridiculing them over something trivial such as landscaping. They can fuck off.

And on that note, I'm off to enjoy my weekend. Date night with my husband and our best friends tonight. We're taking the kids to Monsters University. Then a baby shower for my very dear friend on Sunday. It should be great!

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