Saturday, November 1, 2014

New Me November

November is here and bringing a few challenges (all positive!) with it. But I'll get to that in a minute.

My baby celebrated his first Halloween, which prompted me to realize that 21 days from today, he will turn 1. I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Last Halloween I was running up and down the stairs handing out candy. I was 9 months pregnant. This year was much better!

My other baby decided to be a ninja turtle this year. Specifically, the red one. He made it almost an hour trick or treating before the cold got the best of him. He spent the rest of the night helping me hand out candy. Glenn Jackson believes in giving out handfuls so luckily we don't have much left. I'd be a goner if we need.

I, for one, am looking forward to what November will bring. As you know, I'm in a competition with my brother to see who can lose the most amount of weight by November 26. I've heard rumors that he's exercising (what???), which means I'm kickin'er down starting now. Starting Monday, I am committing to waking up at 5:30/5:45 every weekday morning to get my work out in. If you know me, you'd know that this challenge might kill me. I loves me some sleep.

Glenn and I are also committed to meal planning, which should hopefully help us from making 12 trips to Target in a week. Today we planned out what we're eating for the next two weeks, made our grocery list, and actually stuck to it. I was so impressed with myself! I also made pita chips, roasted three batches of pumpkin seeds, and made some chocolate chip cookies. Rowan insisted on the cookies as he felt he needed to also "cook".

Only 27 days to Thanksgiving, which means only 28 days to Black Friday shopping. Ahh, my favorite shopping day of the year! I can't wait!

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