Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

It is indeed a happy day. I stepped on my scale this morning and lo and behold, I am officially under 200 pounds! I haven't been here since December 2012. I. Am. Ecstatic!

I am now two weeks into my competition with my brother and I'm down 4 pounds. Six more pounds in the next four weeks seems like a lot of pull off but I'm going to do my very best. I just need to give away the 12 pounds of candy we have sitting in a bucket ready for the trick or treaters and I'll be good. Why is Halloween candy so tempting?!?!

Friday I'm allowing myself a cheat day. Glenn and I both took the day off work and are going to do a day date. We can barely remember the last time we went to a movie that a) wasn't a kid movie and b) we went to together. I'll definitely take an app and tap and a movie over work!

Next week I hope to report that another one to two pounds have hit the bricks. Wish me luck!

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