Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday = Whining, Workouts, and Wine

Today has been a bit of a challenge. Getting up this morning about killed me. I was snuggled in all cozy in a super deep sleep when my stupid alarm clock chimed in to remind me, "oh yeah, you vowed to get up early to work out". I just read that in my head with a super whiny/bitchy tone. It accurately describes how I was feeling.

Then, my workout was interrupted twice. Once because the dog didn't come when I called him. Nor did he come the next 10 times that I called him. I discovered him still snuggled in bed. What an ass! Then I had to go potty. I gave up my workout after 25 minutes. Today, that will have to be good enough.

The kicker was getting a call at 10:30 this morning to tell me that Keegan was running a fever of 102. I tried to call Glenn as I had a full schedule but to no avail. Cancel said meetings, get him a doctor's appointment, and lo and behold, ear infection! Poor little guy. He's holding up pretty well despite everything but I can tell he's miserable. He actually snuggled with me before he fell asleep. That's pretty rare these days as he only does one thing and that's Hopefully some antibiotics and a good night's sleep will make everything all better. If not, mommy's always got wine!

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