Friday, August 29, 2014

Seventeen Days In and I Refuse To Sink

Two days ago I stepped on the scale and the number hadn't changed much. I immediately felt frustrated. I kept within my calorie count. I worked out. So why hadn't it gone down?

I had to take a step back and remind myself that seeing that .2 change was actually a good thing considering I weigh myself every morning. Some of you may not agree with that. The whole weighing in each day thing, I mean. I've heard mixed feelings about it. Some people say you shouldn't do it because it just leads to frustration and tears when you don't see progress. Others say it helps keep you on track. That's the way I'm choosing to look at it. If the number is up, I look at what I ate the day before and how much I worked out. Clearly something didn't work, which forces me to change how I approach that particular day.

This morning I saw a good half-pound loss, which, when added to the .2 from yesterday and the .2 from the day before, means I'm actually down .9 pounds. It's amazing how different that number looks when you do some simple addition.

I'm also walking like an old lady. Two nights ago we did a killer deck of cards workout that almost took my legs out of commission. Last night...Tae Bo. I introduced Glenn Jackson to the boot camp version, which involves a lot of squats, kicking, and quad work. I loved every minute of it. What I didn't love was the fact that it now hurts a lot to sit down and go potty.

I'm on track and feeling fabulous. A month ago I couldn't even imagine myself saying that but something clicked with this workout and weight loss challenge. I can't even tell you what it was that made me get in gear but this time, I'm not giving up.

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