Sunday, August 17, 2014

Five Days Down, 25 More To Go

Five days ago I challenged myself to do 30 days of exercise. So far I've kept up with it. Yesterday's attempt at exercise was lame but it was something. We ended up walking around at least half the day for Goodview Days. I know it was exercise but it didn't feel quite as good consider I ate some pizza halfway through.

For tonight's exercise, Glenn made me do something called the deck of cards. It's exactly what it sounds like. We assigned an exercise to each card type (hearts were push-up's, spades were jumping jacks, etc.) and then went through the deck. Three quarters of the way through the deck, I was struggling to hold myself up with my arms and I wanted to throw up. It was actually a really good workout. And what's nice is you can change up what you do. 

I am also starting a new challenge. My sister-in-law and I are in a biggest loser style weight loss competition. Whoever has the highest percentage of weight loss is declared the winner. Loser has to pay for pedicures. So between now and October 4, I have to get my butt in gear and kick my own ass. I've got a pedicure calling my name!

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