Friday, August 8, 2014

The Day My Baby Got "Fired": A True Story

A few of you have been privy to our recent debacle with daycare but for those of you who haven't heard, we got a two week notice last Friday. Our current provider said that she didn't think Keegan liked going there and would be better suited with a different daycare mom. Plus, he's too fussy for her. WTF! Are you kidding me?!?!

When she handed me the letter saying we had to be gone by August 15, I was completely floored. We got no warning that this was coming. She would ask me questions every few weeks like whether or not he sat and played with toys at home, how well he took naps, or if there was something we do at home to help with crankiness but not once did she say that if it didn't get better, we had to find new daycare.

Keegan is definitely fussy but he's no fussier than any other baby I've been around. He's 8 months old and teething so yeah, he's bound to be cranky. I think he just didn't meet her expectations of what a baby should be like so he got the boot.

Now, if you're like anyone else I've told this story to, you're baffled, annoyed, or Hulk-like angry over this. To be fair, the contract we signed does state that at any point she can give us a two week notice. But to "fire" an infant because he's too "fussy"? That's just cold-hearted and mean.

I spent most of last weekend in about 3 moods: angry because of the whole situation, sad because she thinks so poorly of my son, and panicking because it took me forever to find someone to watch him in the first place. Nobody has infant openings around here. I made several calls to home daycares in our area, to no avail. But then the angels must have heard my plea because we managed to find a new daycare on Monday!

We met our new daycare provider on Wednesday and I instantly felt at ease with her. She's got a kick-ass backyard, is so unbelievably nice, and genuinely appreciates kids for who they are. Plus, my best friend's kids go there (hence, how I found her) so Rowan and Keegan will at least know two of the kids.

What turned into an incredibly crappy situation has since turned around for the better. I don't dislike our current provider but I've never fully felt at ease with her so this has definitely been a blessing in disguise. Thank you to those of you who put the APB out and got us in touch with friends or acquaintances who would have been willing to watch our boys. It's so amazing knowing that I have friends out there who will drop what they're doing to help me out. I hope you know I'd do the same for you in a heartbeat.

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