Friday, July 19, 2013

Small Town Girl in the Big City

As most of you know, I grew up in small town Iowa. Lake Mills, Iowa to be exact. Generally, people are not familiar with it seeing as how it is a town of 2,300 people. But if you know where the casino is on I35, head 14 miles west and you'll hit it.

Growing up in a small town was nice but had its challenges. Everybody knew everybody and if you managed to keep a secret, you should be heralded. One time I was cruising the loop after school (yes, it's a real thing) and this woman pulled out of the gas station parking lot right into the side of my car. So I pulled into the gas station, the cops were called, yadda, yadda, yadda. I hadn't even had a chance to process anything when the woman behind the counter came out to tell me my mom was on the phone (we didn't have cell phones at the time). Yup, my mom had heard about the accident even though it had only happened 5 minutes prior. Good times!

Small town life meant that you knew everyone in your class...and usually the entire high school. You may not have gotten along with everybody but you always had somebody to hang out with. And it usually meant something to do even though it may not be legal. I spent a lot of time driving around, wasting gas, and went to the occasional party at someone's farm.

I miss that small town, more than I thought I ever would. But I'm not ready to go back and I don't know if I ever will be. I love being able to drive 2 miles and hit a Target or Wal-Mart or Cub. Back in the day, the closest "big" towns were a half hour away so you couldn't just run there if you needed something when you were cooking. And don't kid yourself...we had a grocery store. It may have been in the middle of nowhere but we had a grocery store! And 4 bars but that's beside the point.

I knew I was destined to get out of that town. Not because it was bad but because I couldn't always be myself there. I am not the girl I was in high school. That girl was quiet (if you didn't know me), sometimes shy, and rarely stirred up trouble. She wasn't in the "popular" crowd but she had a great group of friends, who she is still friends with to this day. The woman I am today is loud, funny, swears like a sailor, considers sarcasm her second language, and while she may be overweight, she doesn't let that hold her back from accomplishing things like running a 10-miler.

I always felt judged in that town so I went out of my way to be sure I didn't bring attention to myself. Looking back I can't believe how stupid that sounds. Of course people are going to judge you. That's how life goes and it happens no matter where you live. I don't regret much and I wouldn't go back and change my general sense of being but if I got to do it over again, everyone would have seen the me I am today rather than the me I was back then. Life is about living and doing and most importantly, being happy. Go find your happiness. I'm getting better at finding mine.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We Grow Boys At Our House...Apparently

Well, it's official. There will be yet another boy to carry on the Jackson name. Glenn's side of the family consists of a long line of nieces. 5 of them to be exact. Rowan was the first boy to come along and we're lucky enough to get a second one to join him. It keeps things interesting.

Baby boy was fairly uncooperative during the ultrasound. He kept moving and at one point did a 180 so the tech had to keep fishing around to get decent pictures of him. We did manage to get the token "obvious" shot of the boy parts. At least we hope that's what it is.



Boy parts

You'll have to excuse the kick ass photography. I didn't feel like breaking out the scanner last night.

The placenta is really close to my cervix so I have to do another ultrasound in 4 weeks to see if it shifts at all. My doctor didn't seem to be too concerned. Overall, everything looks good. Baby has two hands, two feet, and a strong heart. While I desperately wanted a little girl, I'm happy that we're getting another little man. Mostly we're just glad he's healthy and appears to be quite happy. Rowan was dead set that he was having a baby sister so we've been doing our best to convince him otherwise. I think he's got it down now.

And now we get to play the name game. When we named Rowan, that was the only name we could agree on. I made up a list of some names yesterday and surprisingly Glenn said he liked three of them. Three! And the best part is Rowan can say them all. There is hope yet!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Parenthood: One of Life's Biggest Worries

As a parent, you spend a lot of time worrying about your kids. From the moment that baby is placed in your arms, you are responsible for their well-being, which means you're dealing with cuts, scrapes, and all sorts of owies that come along with being a kid. And some of it can be scary. I mean, we barely got a chance to hold Rowan before he was sent off to the NICU for 5 days. I worried a lot those 5 days.

Rowan - 1 day old in the NICU
Now don't get me wrong...I'm not one of those overprotective parents who rushes their kid to the doctor every time they say something hurts. But I am the type who worries when their kid doesn't act quite like themselves. Hence, my current worry about Rowan.

Saturday afternoon Rowan spent almost 8 hours outside either in the pool, on the trampoline, or just running around in general. He then proceeded to sleep for 12.5 hours, woke up for an hour, and then took a nap. He was fine in the afternoon and yesterday but last night was complaining that his head hurt. This morning, same thing. Acted normal but said his head still hurt. I'm guessing it's just dehydration from being outside in the heat.

It just makes me nervous when he does things like this. And it's not the first time. He's acted strange before when he doesn't feel good but every time I ask him if he's ok, he says he's fine. He probably is. I'm just being paranoid mom today. I hate being paranoid mom. Even our daycare lady thinks he's fine and she was a nurse for 30-some years.

I think my paranoidness (not a real word but I'm using it anyway) is because we're finding out what we're having today. You're probably thinking, "what the hell does that have to do with anything?" and you'd be right! The two have nothing to do with each other besides the fact that in less than 5 months, we'll have another baby to worry about. I can barely handle one kid. Two scares me a little...twice the poop, twice the barf (at least during flu season), but also twice as much to love. And at least one will be out of diapers!

T-minus 1 hour until the big moment. Cross your fingers it's a girl!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bacation, Had to Get Away

I love long weekends. Especially ones that are as long as the work week. They would be even better if I got to sleep in. Since we just built the house and are having another baby, we decided not to do a big vacation this year. Instead, Glenn and I took Rowan to Duluth for the weekend. But before we left, we had to do something with the dog. Luckily my parents were nice enough to take him so Wednesday night we headed to Iowa.

We stayed overnight so Rowan could see Grandma's new baby kitties. One of my mother's outdoor cats had three kittens last weekend and of course, Rowan couldn't wait to pet the babies. He's already traumatized our guinea pig so I wasn't sure how this would go. Surprisingly, he did quite well. He's excited for them to get bigger so he can play with them.

The 4th of July was exactly what I needed...casual. We got back from Iowa in the late morning and spent the afternoon at a friend's place. Her apartment building has a pool so Ang, Brian, Glenn, and I took all the boys over for a pool party. They loved every minute of it. I did too as the water makes me feel less like a hippo. I was so tired I didn't even stay up for fireworks.

Friday morning we left for "bacation" as Rowan calls it. We went to the zoo, the Great Lakes Aquarium, Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock Lighthouse and Canal Park.

Superman at Gooseberry Falls

Rowan and Mommy by Split Rock Lighthouse

Enjoying a icee!

Rowan wore his superman shirt (complete with cape) on Saturday. I've never had so many people comment on a shirt before. One lady even turned around so she could take a picture of him.

We had a good time but it was nice to come home, even though it was a short trip. My pregnant body doesn't move like it should so I was tired most of the time.

This weekend (after I survive day after day of committee meetings) is jam packed with fun. Car Cruise, Christmas in July, and a picnic. I just have to survive until Friday!