Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Two Against Two

In case any of you missed Rowan's exciting photo announcement, God has finally answered our prayers. We're expecting another baby in late November. Thanksgiving day to be exact. We are thrilled to be giving Rowan a brother or a sister. He keeps calling it baby sister and wants to know where she is. Hopefully he'll handle it well if he gets a baby brother instead.

This pregnancy is very different from my first one. I have been plagued with nausea, mostly at night, and especially right before I go to bed. Luckily I haven't thrown up yet! If any of you know me, you know that puking and I don't get along real well. I've been able to combat it with food and peppermints. If it were Christmas time, I would buy stock in candy canes.

In addition to the nausea, I often get a "choking" sensation in my throat. I'm pretty sure my clothes and my hair are giving me claustrophobia. Don't laugh...it's true. I actually cut one of my t-shirts last night because I felt like I was dying. I can't have anything rubbing against my neck. Even just writing about it made me go grab a mint. I'm really hoping this goes away once I'm done with my first trimester.

Other than being nauseated, hormonal, claustrophobic, and tired, I'm doing great! Poor Glenn has to deal with me being a complete nutcase. I keep telling him it's only for a couple more weeks. I can never remember when the first trimester ends. It could be that I only have a week left. Ehh.

We are going to find out what we're having. I'm a planner...I need to know what to expect. We'd love to have a little girl this time but obviously we'll take whatever we get. A boy would be nice since we already have all of the clothes but I really want a girl to dress up. Girl clothes are way cuter than boy clothes.

My only pet peeve about being pregnant is that summer is quickly approaching, which means picnics, outdoors, and the best time of the year to consume adult beverages. Something that I cannot do for the next 7 months, which makes me a bitter betty. There's nothing like sitting outside on a warm summer night tossing back a few with your friends. I miss beer terribly right now, in case you can't tell. 7 more months. Lord help me.

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