Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lessons I Learned in 2013

Like many others, I've sat back and reflected on the past year. 2013 was a busy year for house, new baby, and everything in between. It was also full of a lot of lessons.

I learned that building a house can be a complete pain in the ass. We fought more this past year than we have in our entire marriage because of one stupid house. I can say now that I don't regret doing it but there were many times where I might have said differently.


I learned that second pregnancies are very different. So much that I didn't even know who I was anymore thanks to the numerous amounts of hormones. I struggled every day and there were times where I thought I was going to go insane but somehow you make it through. Because it's completely worth it in the end.

I learned that no matter how much life throws at you, you'll always be able to get back up. Every day is a new day.

I learned that being diagnosed with gestational diabetes was not a death sentence. I CAN watch what I eat without starving. I CAN poke myself in the finger with a needle 4 times a day. And I can completely appreciate the fact that people have to do that every day of their lives because they have no choice. You guys are rockstars!

I have been reminded that life is short. Many friends have dealt with heartbreak and loss, especially recently, and it's served as a reminder that life is precious and you need to live, laugh, and love every single day of your life.

I've learned that two kids are harder than one. Especially when the older one is 3 1/2. But I've also learned that you can love two kids equally. I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything in the world.

I learned so much in 2013, more than I've shared. I had more than my share of bad times but I also had plenty of good. And the good always outweighs the bad.

2014 is going to be a challenging year for me but not in a bad way. I'm setting lofty goals for myself. I'll have my usual goal of getting in shape (I know, you've heard it before) but this time is different. Getting gestational diabetes was a huge eye opener for me. If I don't get my weight under control, there's a good chance I'll end up with diabetes later in life and I'm going to make damn sure that's not an option for me.

I'm also going to try and accessorize more. Sounds stupid, I'm sure but I have a boatload of jewelry and belts and scarves that sit in my closet and do nothing. What's the point of having this stuff if I'm not going to wear it?

Glenn and I have a combined goal of creating a budget and sticking to it. We always talk about doing it and several times have in fact started one but we never stick to it. With two kids in daycare, it's something we definitely need to do.

My biggest goal is to run a half-marathon. I figure if I can survive the TC 10-miler, what's another 3 miles. It may not sound like a lofty goal but considering I haven't ran since the 10-miler (which was in October 2012), it's a big deal to me! I'm shooting to do one in the fall so expect to hear about the trials and tribulations of training throughout the next several months. I promise you'll enjoy it!

I hope 2014 brings you everything you're hoping for, wishing for, or aiming for. I'm definitely going to make the best of this new year and I hope you do, too.

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