Thursday, October 24, 2013

An Update on Baby Jackson

Things are progressing nicely with Baby Jackson after a mild scare a couple of weeks. Ok, it wasn't even a scare so much as my doctor getting a little bit too concerned about my blood pressure. I'll explain that first since it plays into my update.

So a couple of weeks ago I was at a diabetes appointment to see how things were going and we discovered my blood pressure was up. Now to be fair, I had just gotten a bad cold a couple of days prior and had taken a Sudafed that morning, which, unbeknownst to me, can cause one's blood pressure to rise. So the nurse had a minor freak out and called my doctor but let me go home. A nurse called back and said to check my blood pressure on Friday and Monday and call with the results and they'd figure out where to go from there. No big deal.

So Friday comes and I get my blood pressure checked and go figure, it's still high. I hadn't taken any medication since Wednesday but my cold was still raging. I call in the results, grab some lunch for Glenn and I, and head home. Fast forward a half hour and my phone rings. My doctor herself is on the line and tells me I need to go to the hospital to get monitored. I, of course, freak out a little and call my mom so she can come and get Rowan from daycare because I have no idea how long I'll actually be at the hospital.

I was monitored for about an hour and a half, during which my blood pressure went back to normal. I was showing no symptoms of hypertension like last time. Baby was monitored, too. He had no issues other than he wouldn't cooperate and kept moving around so the fetal monitor couldn't always capture him. Bottom cold was doing me in. So I saw my doctor last week and went on medication for my blood pressure. No big deal. At the time, she basically said she would "take him" at 37 weeks, most likely by induction.

I had another ultrasound and check-up yesterday where I learned that baby is doing just fine. He's about 5 pounds, 4 ounces, give or take a 1/2 pound, is measuring short (the poor kid was doomed anyway), has a big head (I am not surprised), and actually has a little bit of hair. There is no sign that the diabetes or my blood pressure is causing any issues with him, which is awesome. My blood pressure was also fine, which was a relief. And because of all these good things, baby boy may not be here quite as early as we were expecting. He'll be early...just not here in two weeks early.

I was definitely disappointed because my left hip is taking the beating of a lifetime and the poor guy has no room to move around, which causes mommy to be VERY uncomfortable pretty much all the time. I go back in two weeks and we'll see if I've started dilating or not. I've been having a lot of cramping, which I'm told is a sign of early labor. Yay! If he's showing progress at wanting to make an appearance, I could be induced in about three weeks. I'm pretty much going to beg and plead because these last 24 hours have been rough on me. I hate to bitch and complain because I want him to be healthy but I can only take so much more.

That being said, I would appreciate it if people would not ask when he was coming or how much time I have left. I've been getting a lot of that at work and it's driving me nuts. I don't know anything concrete other than he'll be here when he gets here. We just want him healthy and safe so that may mean he comes in two weeks or four weeks. At this point your guess is as good as mine!

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