Today I had my first follow-up since getting diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It definitely didn't go the way I thought it would. My numbers overall haven't been horrible. Over the last week, I had two instances where my sugar level was over my limit. To me, that seemed really good. Wrong.
Let's see, first of all, I'm not getting enough calories. I managed to lose three pounds over the last week and apparently that's not a good thing. Second, I'm not getting quite enough carbs. I'm supposed to have 13 to 15 choices a day. My average is 9.5. Last, I'm not getting enough protein so I somehow have to figure out how to incorporate even more. So what does this mean? Basically I have one more week to try and straighten everything out or they'll make me go on insulin.
Here's why I'm pissed: I've barely had time to adjust to the fact that I have gestational diabetes. This is a lifestyle change for the next several weeks, one that I wasn't prepared for. I'm not used to counting my carbs and making sure every meal I eat is mostly balanced. So now I only have one more week to try and figure it out? That seems a bit extreme to me.
I am a horrible eater. I fully admit that. But it's really hard to try and get everything packed into one meal and still make sure my glucose level doesn't go over the top. Today at lunch and supper I ate more than I think I eat in one day, per their request. My levels were under the limit but not by much. So where's the give and take in all of this?
I'm so over this pregnancy. Don't get me wrong...I'm not sorry I'm pregnant. We struggled a lot to even get this baby as far as he is and I can't wait to hold him and love up on him. I just hate what being pregnant is doing to me. I can't even enjoy it anymore. At this point, I'm counting down the days until this is done.
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