Thursday, March 7, 2013

Houses and Meetings and 2 Year Olds...Oh My!

Yes, it's been awhile. For your safety, I haven't blogged in a few weeks. I leave next week for sunny San Diego and the 2013 Annual Meeting! Finally! I'm surprised I'm not bald after these last couple of weeks. Between prepping for the meeting, keeping stats on the new house, and trying to get stuff packed and ready to go at the current house, I'm barely staying alive. And you know how dramatic I am so you know it's not nearly that bad. Only kind of.

The new house is coming along great! We close in just three short weeks...I can't wait! Right now they've got all the cabinets installed, the subfloor in, and the siding is almost up. I just keep thinking that four days after I get back from San Diego, I get to move into my big girl house. Yippee!!!!

Banister between 2nd and 3rd floors

My kitchen - cabinets yet to be stained

In addition to everything we've got going on, this weekend is Glenn Jackson's last weekend in the National Guard. It's a little bittersweet. I know how much he's enjoyed his time there; 12 years is a long time. But at the same time, I am so incredibly grateful that he will be home for good. No more drill weeks, no more AT, and no more deployments. He has missed out on so much over the past 7 years and I'm so glad he won't have to miss anymore.

Don't get me wrong...I am so incredibly proud of my husband. He's served his country for 12 years and been on 3 deployments, two of which have been with me. He's sacrificed so much but it's time for him to be with his family. Rowan will only be little for so long (thank god!). He's already missed 1 year of his life. I'd prefer it not to be more than that.

Speaking of Rowan, I'm struggling. I have this incredibly (and I do mean incredibly) smart little boy. So smart that he has to be put with the 4 and 5 year olds in preschool so he can be challenged. But we are always reminded that he is indeed only 2 years old. Ok, well 3 years old in a month but still. Temper tantrums and a bad attitude do not disappear when at school. I was reassured yesterday that he's not the only one who disrupts school so that made me feel better. I have a feeling we'll be screwed as he gets older. Le sigh.

Alright, I'm signing off. The next time you hear from me will be after I survive my two weeks in San Diego. Trust me, it's not as pleasant as it sounds. Yes, it will be warmer than good ol' Minnesota and there will be absolutely no snow but two weeks straight of 10 to 13 hour days is not appealing. BUT, I get my new house soon so it's all worth it! Ta ta!

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