Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dum Dum Dum (in a scary voice)

Last night I signed up for Weight Watchers...again. I am so embarrassed to admit that I let my weight creep up on me...much more than I thought it did. To the point that I now weigh just over 200 pounds. I've never weighed that much, except when I was pregnant with Rowan.

It was definitely a turning point when I stepped on that scale. Most of my teenage and adult life has been spent struggling with my weight. I used to be thin. I ate like a bird. I rarely drank pop. All of that changed halfway through high school and continued to get worse as I moved through teens, my 20's, and now my early 30's. I HATE that I let myself get this way. I HATE that I have absolutely no power over myself when it comes to food. Well you know what? NO MORE.

I'm done with this lifestyle. And I know I've said it before but this time, my heart and my head are in the same place. That's what makes this time different. I want this change. I want the smaller size clothing and the trim body and everything that goes with it. I. Want. This.

2013 WILL be my year.

*Side note: I swear I'm not yelling at you with my scary capitalized words. You know me...I'm loud and like to express it.

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