Monday, January 28, 2013

Life is Full of Soul Sucking Dragons

Last week was one of those "kill me now" weeks. One where that soul sucking dragon that is work about took me down. Ok, it was not that bad. It was bad, but not that bad. A couple of weeks ago I spent 5 days in Florida for a conference (I'm sure you all feel sorry for me) and it took until last Friday to feel like I was able to catch up. Being at a conference, trying to learn, doesn't mean that work stops. Throw in a holiday (MLK day) and it makes things worse. Thus the beer drinking, bad food, I don't care that I weigh in on Monday weekend. Despite that weekend, I only gained .2 pounds. That was a victory in my book!

I'm enjoying Weight Watchers. Have I been following my plan perfectly? Of course not. But, I'm making the effort...for the most part. I have my bad days where I'll take down some wings and beer. But that's part of this whole challenge. I know where I need to go and what I need to do to get there. And I'll do it. I have faith in myself.

Our house is coming along quickly. The house is up, windows are in, shingles are on, and they're moving on to the duct work and electrical. It's slated to be done in mid-March, right when I'm in San Diego. It would be nice to pre-sign and Glenn can move everything when I'm gone but I don't think I'll get that lucky. Ehh.

View of Kitchen/Dining Room from the loft

My walk-in closet!

Digging for sewer and water

This house process has actually been really good. We picked out all of our stuff and now it's just happening. If it were completely custom, I may hurt someone.

Now for a comedic moment. My sister-in-law sent me this picture today. I laughed out loud when I read it. It describes me to a T. Just ask Glenn Jackson.

We're off to Iowa for the weekend. My favorite nephew (read: only nephew) turns 2 on Sunday. I'm already planning on enjoying myself as his theme is the Super Bowl which means good food and beer (hopefully!). Peace out party people!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dum Dum Dum (in a scary voice)

Last night I signed up for Weight Watchers...again. I am so embarrassed to admit that I let my weight creep up on me...much more than I thought it did. To the point that I now weigh just over 200 pounds. I've never weighed that much, except when I was pregnant with Rowan.

It was definitely a turning point when I stepped on that scale. Most of my teenage and adult life has been spent struggling with my weight. I used to be thin. I ate like a bird. I rarely drank pop. All of that changed halfway through high school and continued to get worse as I moved through teens, my 20's, and now my early 30's. I HATE that I let myself get this way. I HATE that I have absolutely no power over myself when it comes to food. Well you know what? NO MORE.

I'm done with this lifestyle. And I know I've said it before but this time, my heart and my head are in the same place. That's what makes this time different. I want this change. I want the smaller size clothing and the trim body and everything that goes with it. I. Want. This.

2013 WILL be my year.

*Side note: I swear I'm not yelling at you with my scary capitalized words. You know me...I'm loud and like to express it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Will Be My Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone survived the holidays. I barely did as Rowan managed to get a double ear infection which has made him less than pleasant to be around. Top it off with very little good sleep for 6 days and you can imagine what a peach I am.

As with every new year, I, like many others, have come up with some resolutions. Ones that I really plan on sticking to.

My ultimate goal for 2013 is to run a half-marathon. I was thinking of doing one in May or June but with my work schedule and the new house, I'm not sure that I can commit to that kind of training right now. So, I'm shooting for one in August or September. I really want that 13.1 bumper sticker. Not that I'd stick it to my car (because I'm anal like that) but I'll tape it in the back window.

I'm also going to join Weight Watchers again. It's like the 4th time I've done this but it's the one thing I've done that has always helped me lose weight. My friend Amy and I are going to do it together. We're both stuck in that "I need to lose weight but have no motivation" phase of life so hopefully we can kick start each other into gear. We start on Monday. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. Eeek!

I'm also going to try weekly/bi-weekly goals like "I want to eat more vegetables each day" or "I want to cut back to one pop a day"...things like that. I'm hoping that between WW and my small goals, I can get down to my goal weight.

2013 is going to be my year. I want to look in the mirror with confidence and be proud of who I see. I want to go out on dates with my husband and have people look at me and think "Damn, how did that guy get so lucky?".

And damn it, I want to fit into a pair of Miss Me skinny jeans! They're so gonna be worth the $120 when the time comes.