Friday, December 21, 2012

A Series of Random

That's right...I'm back! I took a brief hiatus as I've hit my busy time of year at work. Not to worry, though. You'll be hearing from me a lot more. I hope.

Trip to New York
Speaking of work, I spent three days in the Big Apple last week. It was both a good and a bad experience. It was good in the fact that I got to see the tree at Rockefeller Center all lit up at night and saw the fabulous window displays at Saks.

It was awful in the fact that the hotel (a Hilton property) was the size of a postage stamp, the meeting room was 85 degrees (literally), and it was just plain gross. That and the fact that I did not get to see my dear friend Kyle Krause as work had me held captive the entire time.

Holiday Baking
As many of you know, I love to bake, especially around the holidays. This year I did my standards along with a couple of new things. 2 days and many pans later, I was done.

I didn't do nearly as much as I typically do, hence a freak out when I realized that the plates of goodies for my co-workers weren't nearly as full as they typically get. Nobody else noticed and/or cared except for me. I really need to work on that.

Update on the House
The new house is coming along. Not as quickly as Glenn Jackson would like, but it's still coming along.

We should hopefully be seeing some walls being put up soon. And speaking of the new house, Moi is now famous. I got interviewed by a woman from the Star Tribune yesterday afternoon. She wanted to speak to someone who was building in Stoneborough, our new neighborhood. I know nothing about when the article will be published but you can be damn sure I'll let everyone know about it.

Debunking the Myth
No, I am not pregnant. I have simply gained weight. I've had several people ask me over the past few weeks when Glenn and I will be having another child. Plus there are 8 million pregnant people at my office and I keep getting looks like, "is she or isn't she". No, I am not. I wish I was but apparently God has other plans for us right now.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with their friends, family, and loved ones. I know I'll be holding my little one extra tight this year. We're off to Iowa on Sunday for a few days with my family. It should be great since they just went through a blizzard and interstate is still closed. Thank god for 4-wheel drive.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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