Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Struggle to Commit

You've probably noticed that I've been pretty quiet for the past couple of weeks. It's mostly because I've started to hit my busy time at work but it's also because of my struggle to commit to my weight loss challenge with Glenn.

I struggle with it...constantly. I cannot commit to eating better and exercising every day. I've come to realize how crappy I feel every time I eat. I'm always tired, my stomach hurts, I get get the picture. I don't feel good about myself. And yet, I continue down the same path every day. I'm in a rut and I have no idea how to get myself out of it. I've tried different things but nothing seems to work for me. My heart just isn't in it.

I know I need to figure something out. I hate how I look in clothes. I'm tired of constantly pulling my pants up in an attempt to cover up my stomach roll. Or seeing a muffin top every time I look in the mirror.

So I need your help. What motivates you to eat healthy or work out every day? How do you manage to eat right without counting calories or dieting? What's your favorite exercise? This is my cry for help people. Yet again. I need a small goal that I know I can accomplish. Help me.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weekly Weigh In

Once again, I'm posting this late but that's how life goes.

Weigh in was on Thursday. Or Friday, if you're Glenn Jackson. I'm down 2 pounds, which I'm actually happy with. Would it have been nice if it were more? Yes, but (warning...TMI moment) Aunt Flo decided to make her appearance so I'm all sorts of bloaty.

As for Glenn, he's down 7. *sad trombone* Yes, he's in the lead but we're only 10 days in so I've still got a chance!

I'm considering today my "free" day. The girls and I are doing a Twilight movie marathon which means pizza, chinese, snacks, and of course, wine. It's going to be a glorious day!

Go Team Jacob!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ding Ding Ding! Game on.

Damn, this post is like 4 days late. Anyway...let's get ready to rumble!! The November challenge has begun. The person who loses the least amount of weight (percentage-wise) as of November 30 has to do the dishes for the entire month of December.

In this corner, weighing in at 268's Glenn "Action" Jackson!

Likes: Homemade beer and boobs
Dislikes: Anything not related to homemade beer or boobs
Favorite exercise: Running

And in this corner, weighing in at *gulp* 197 pounds (no judging)'s Erin "Rockstar" Jackson!

Likes: Wine, beer, and anything that can be found on Pinterest
Dislikes: Sushi and fat rolls
Favorite exercise: Running or kickboxing

We started the challenge last Thursday and we're doing well so far. I'm already down 4 pounds and Glenn is down 7. Yes, it's mostly water weight but it's a start. If you check the numbers, I'm at 2.0% and Glenn is at 2.6%. The horror! I cannot lose! I despise loading the dishwasher!

Stay tuned for our weekly weigh in on Thursday. Cross your fingers that I kick Glenn's ass!